6. Detective Flowers

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Negascott opened the door to the apartment, and to his surprise he saw Wallace sitting where he usually does, reading something.

"You're back. I thought you got lost or something on your way here." Wallace commented, though clearly, he was indifferent to it all.

"Oh, right, uh, me and Ramona just went to a restaurant, and talked a bit, that's all." Negascott put his coat down quickly, throwing off his shoes and hat. He then strutted over to the futon and crashed down onto it.

Wallace raised an eyebrow. "You already stole the love of his life away?"

Negascott sat up in annoyance. "What!? That's none of your business! But... no, I'm still single."

"Hmm." Wallace sips his drink and continues reading

"Well, that's good because she has some weird cult of evil exes keeping any suitors away."

"Wait really? That's weird." Negascott sat his head back down.

"I heard one of them is Lucas Lee."

"What really? The hunky movie star? That girl gets around." Negascott giggles.

"It's your turn to take the laundry by the way." Wallace reminds him.

"Aww dang." Negascott got up from the futon, gathering up the laundry.


Negascott spread himself over a bunch of sand. How warm... He was dreaming again, wasn't he? Suddenly he saw Ramona skating in the distance.

"Hey Ramona!" 

She quickly turned to him and skated over.

"So dreams are subspace highways I take it?" Negascott asks in confusion.

Ramona nodded,  "what did you say about being chained to Scott in your dreams?" Ramona comments, noticing the silver band around Negascott's wrist that had something coming off of it.

Negascott turned over to look at it, he tugged at it, and an extremely long was uncovered from the sand. "Woah wait a minute..." he was then promptly interrupted by annoying wailing.

"Ramonaaaa!!" a voice shouted in the distance, that sounded like... Scott..? Negascott turned to Ramona, her eyes wide, and then she popped out of the dream.

That was weird.


Negascott stepped up to Ramona's apartment, he cringed a bit thinking about the last time he saw this place, he knocked on the door.

Ramona promptly opened it. "Hey, come in." 

He wiped his shoes off and put his little disguise down along with his jacket. "So why did you call me here?"

"Scott is alive."

Negascott raised an eyebrow "What?" 

"First of all, you were still chained to him in your dreams, and second we heard his voice. So I had reason to believe he wasn't dead. Then I went down to the Rockit and found some very interesting information in the security footage... he was pulled through a portal. Someone wants us to think Scott Pilgrim is dead."

Negascott narrows his eyes. "I didn't do it, ask Wallace, I was sick as hell those first few days. I couldn't have done it."

"Don't worry, I didn't call you over because I thought you were the one who did it, I asked you because I want you to help me to find Scott."

Negascott stayed quiet for a moment. 

"...Sure, lets fucking do it! First though can I ask you to do something for me?"

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