13. Breaking Vegan Edge?

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Exhausted, Negascott and Ramona left the movie-studio, they had looked everywhere that would be reasonable to find Todd, but there was no luck. They certainly didn't want to search the entirety of Toronto for one man. Negascott kicked up his board into his hand and stopped, the sun was going to set soon, but there was a little time left.

"Well, that was unfruitful..." he exhaled, turning to Ramona who skated up next to him.

Ramona shuffled her bag over her shoulder "I think I'm going to head home then." She sighed, then turned to him, "You coming?" 

Negascott thought for a moment. Should he keep searching? I mean, if he waits long enough Todd will show up back at the trailer probably.

"Nah, I'm gonna search a little more, probably wait him out. Cya." He nods her goodbye, deciding that he had nothing better to do than wait a little longer. He quietly hopped the blockade again and made his way over to the trailer.

He questioned if he should knock but decided he didn't care. He's just gonna let himself in.

The door was unlocked so it easily opened. Looked like Todd was too distraught to remember to lock it. Negascott quickly spotted the man in question, eating out of a tub of chicken covered in sauce, a mess around his lips, a blanket wrapped around him.

"Dude, you look awful. And I thought you were vegan?" Negascott walked over and sat down beside him, but Todd scooted away to the other side of the couch.

"W... what are you doing here..." Todd averted his gaze.

"Well I-" Negascott started, but then hesitated. Was he really going to get any answers when Todd was like this?

Negascott bit his tongue anyway, because Todd continued.

"I thought you just wanted to break me and Envy up... not that it matters anymore..." Todd grabbed another leg of chicken and bit into it.

Negascott looked away. "Not really... I just wanted some answers. It was just..."

 What was it? In all honestly Negascott kind of did feel some sort of satisfaction from breaking Envy up with this douche. And he was a douche, wasn't he? So why did he feel bad? Was it because he looked so utterly pathetic right now? 

Looking over at him, he looked like an abandoned puppy tied up to a metal pole, nothing like how he was described by Ramona. This guy...

Todd broke Negascott's chain of thoughts. "What was it? You have some vendetta against me? What did I do to you huh!?" Todd looked at him angrily with big pleading eyes.

"Dude no... you didn't do anything, really. You just... got in the way." Negascott groaned. "Okay when I say it out loud it sounds bad, but I didn't set out specifically for this to happen." Negascott crossed his arms.

Negascott then stood up from the couch. "Plus, it's not exactly my fault, is it? It was going to come out anyway, I just sped up the process. How long has it been anyway? Two days? Two fucking days you've known this man! Why are you so heartbroken? You barely even got to know him." Negascott brutally pointed out.

Todd closed his eyes in heartbroken thought. "You wouldn't understand, even if it had been just a single day, I would still be chasing that high for the rest of my life. You can't fight the moonlight man..."

Negascott rolled his eyes, "Yeah, honestly I wouldn't understand, because this whole situation is stupid." he sat back down in slight huff. 

Todd stayed quiet, tugging the blanket further around himself.

A look of regret fell over Negascott's expression, no retort? He grabbed a tissue and reached over to clean up the edges of Todd's mouth. "Dude, can you at least not mope so much? You're making me depressed."

"Wallace used to clean up the sides of my mouth..." Todd lamented.

Negascott choked, giggling slightly in surprise of the implications. "Pfft, don't say that when I'm trying to comfort you?" he tried to be a bit rougher with the way he cleaned him up, maybe it'll remind Todd less of Wallace.

Todd winced, so clearly it was working. "Ow..."

"Now listen, I need you to uh, not be depressed? So, head up dude! Aren't you like a rockstar or something? Start acting like it." Negascott tried to give him a pep-talk, standing up and walking to be in front of him.

"You're right... I'll just show Wallace how cool I am! Yeah! Then he'll love me!" Todd eyes lit up as he stopped slouching, clearly planning something stupid.

Hearing this Negascott's expression crinkled a bit, but he tried to be encouraging. "Thats not exactly what I meant... but I guess it's a step in the right direction?" He stepped closer, offering his hand. "Can I ask my questions now?"

"Huh?" Todd took his hand and looked up at him in confusion. "What questions?"

Negascott let out a dry laugh as he pulled Todd up from the couch. "Uhm, you know how I said I came here for a reason? It's because there's a dumbass guy who I'm looking for, he was kidnapped. And you're the main suspect dude."


Negascott continued, "He was taken through a vegan portal; did you take him? He's got orange hair; he looks really stupid?" 

Todd shook his head. "I don't remember doing that. Why would I kidnap some dumbass anyway? Do you think I'd really do that?"

"Meh, not really." Negascott shrugged

Negascott exhaled, pulling out the list of suspects and crossing Todd out. "Well, thanks, I guess?" He started to head for the door. "Well good luck, I better not see you moping again! Or I won't hesitate to give you a noogie, got it?" he playfully looked at Todd before stepping out the door.


Negascott skated to the exit of the movie studio, looking up at the sky being painted hues of yellow, orange, and pink from the setting-sun. Pretty damn clear skies above, just some small clouds on the horizon. He sat down on the pavement outside the studio and watched as the color's faded to darker ones until the sun no longer illuminated the parking-lot. Well, it was time to head home, clearly nothing else was going to happen here today.

He dropped his skateboard down and skated off into the night. 

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