7. The Roommates

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"Wait your name is Nougat?" Roxie questioned in slight disbelief

"I'm starting to regret that name..." Negascott groaned.

"WHATEVER!" Roxie shot forward like a kunai, trying to slash at Ramona, Negascott parried off of her with his wristbands. 

"Thought these were just for show? I switched them out for metal ones recently." Negascott proudly and smugly announced.

Ramona gave the parry a follow up by trying to slam her hammer down on Roxie, but she dodged out of the way, landing a few feet from the two.

"What you fail to realize Ramona is that while you were running, I WAS STILL TRAINING!" Roxie snarled, speaking as if she was slicking her words in poison.

She shot forward again, barely enough time for Negascott to dodge out of the way and Ramona to block with the long hilt of her hammer.

"Yeah? and yet I'm still on par with you, aren't I?" Ramona strained, but yet remained confident in her retort, despite the blade being dangerously close to her, Negascott kicked Roxie out of the way, Roxie twirling backwards as she used the momentum of the kick to backflip off the ground and whipped through the air back at them, the gust created by her movement flinging movies off of the nearby shelves.  Negascott couldn't parry this time, and he just barely dodged, the sword catching on his facemask and ripping it to pieces.


"Scott!?" Kim shouted from behind the counter.


Ramona slammed the hammer upward into Roxie's gut, making Negascott wince as Roxie is dragged along the ceiling, her own facemask falling off her from the impact.

"RAMONA YOU BITCH!" after gaining her footing again Roxie dashed forward like a wild animal towards Ramona, both of them colliding into a shelf with great force, it fell on them and Negascott was left with Kim.

"Well, I guess now is a good time then to explain..."

"Huh, look." Kim pointed at a screen playing one of the movies, Roxie and Ramona fighting within it. Negascott picked up the remote and rewound it just as Roxie was getting the upper hand, causing her to yell in annoyance and come out of the movie and into the room and smash the remote to bits. Before Negascott could rejoin the fight Ramona yanked her backwards, and they went back to fighting.

"Uh so.. Kim... about me looking like Scott..." Negascott began to explain.

"Wait I'm watching this." 


Negascott sat down and watched the two of them fight within the movies, Ramona and Roxie having a heart to heart during their fight. he really didn't need to be there for that. Eventually the screen went black, and he raised an eyebrow. Then heard their voices back in the main room.

"Hey, you guys alright?" Negascott peaked his head out.

"Yeah..." Ramona muttered breathlessly, both of them totally out of it.

"I think we're good now."

"Okay cool.. I guess... this rules out Roxie as one of our main suspects?" Negascott shrugs.

"Main suspects?? What did I do!?" Roxie groaned.

"Oh, uh, we were looking for the person who could have possibly kidnapped a certain Scott Pilgrim. But like my buddy said, it's definitely not you." Ramona explained with a grin, sitting up from the wet floor.

"That dude?" Roxie pointed behind her at the wanted poster of Scott. "Isn't he right there?" Roxie then pointed at Negascott.

"No I'm like a clone."

"Ah, okay." Roxie's eyelids slid back down to normal.

Kim leaned up against the wall as she watched this all happen. "Oh, so that's what you are? I was wondering why Scott would ever decide to get a dye job. I didn't really take him as the type."

"Does this means you won't make me pay his late fees?" Negascott pleaded.

"...I'll think about it." Kim said after some time.

"We totally trashed the place didn't we...?" Ramona sighed, but Kim reassured her "It's fine, I don't own this place, not my fault."

Negascott walked over and helped the pair up to their feet. "So are you staying in town for a while?" Ramona turned to Roxie.

"Long enough for us to hangout, how about that?"


Roxie, Ramona, Kim, and Negascott/Nougat. The four of them sat in front of the TV in the back corner of the back of the store, all eating snacks.

"Yaknow." Roxie started, her mouth full of chips as she swallowed them down. "It's been a while since I just hungout with the girls."

"Hey..." Negascott protested.

"Oh and I guess you're here, hungout with the girls + Nougat."

Negascott rolled his eyes quietly with a smile.

"By the way, Kim, is the band still doing fine? You're down a Bass player." Negascott opened up a can of soda. 

"Oh that? Knives actually picked it up, she's really good." Kim responded

"Aww really? I'm glad, Scott was an ass, she deserves better. Anyway, me and Ramona still have 5 to 6 more suspects we need to get to." He started.

"Yeah, but shouldn't you be focusing on relaxing right now?" Kim raised an eyebrow, speaking in her usual tone.

"I don't know it just feels weird without him leading the way for once. I guess I'm trying to get that back." Negascott gripped a pillow he had found while pressing his back against the wall.

"You should like, focus on you, it shouldn't always be about someone else." Roxie expressed to him, still eating.

"I know I know, again it's just weird, but you can't blame me for wanting to find him."

"Yeah, we can." Kim jabbed.

"Whatever, it's not like I'm the only one who wants to find the asshat." Negascott shifted the energy to Ramona as his gaze turned to her, causing her to look away with a blush.

"Yeah Ramona, what's with that? You went on half a date with him, from what I heard he ran away before the night even began. How in love could you possibly be?" Kim pressed her, to Ramona's continued embarrassment.

Ramona sighed and looked up at the ceiling. "It's less because I like him and more because... that's the first time someone had ran from me and I wasn't in control" She admitted, Roxie looking at her with slight annoyance.

"Wowww Ramona, now you really know how it feels don't you?" Roxie chuckled.

"Well, I think I'm gonna headout, cya guys." Negascott got up from his spot and waved.

"Cya facemask buddy!" Roxie waved back, then turned to Kim with a sly grin.

Yeah, he didn't need to see where the rest of the night was gonna take those girls.

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