12. Confrontation!

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Negascott waits at the door for a few moments, maybe nobody really was home? He shoots a look at Ramona but then suddenly a gust of air hit him as the door swung open.

"I thought you were dead." Envy looks at Negascott for a moment, taking in his features. Was this really him? He sounded like him, had his body, his features, his hair, his everything, but he wasn't him. He looked as if a filter was cast over him, his eyes an unnatural crimson, he looked somewhat demonic. This dark shadow of a boy in front of her door... what had happened to Scott? Was this him?

Negascott crossed his arms. " I'm not him. I just needed to pretend to be to coax you out of your trailer." 

Envy scoffs and struts over to a couch on the other end of her trailer, plopping down rather prissily. "You really think I wouldn't answer? I'm hurt Scott. I was in the bathroom, that's all." 

Negascott's eyelid twitches in annoyance. "I'm not Scott, I just said." 

Ramona shuffles into the room behind him, causing Envy to eye her suspiciously.

"Anyway, we're not here just to catch up, I wanted to tell you that Todd is totally cheating on you with Wallace." Negascott explains in a matter-of-fact tone, looking at his nails instead of her face, returning the bitchy attitude Envy was exuding.

Envy rolls her eyes. "Why would I believe you? You just want to break up our love. You're clearly just jealous of what me and Todd have aren't you, Scott." 

"Yeahhh, let me rephrase, I'm not telling you, I'm warning you, Natallie, because I know Wallace and you know Wallace. He's the exact type of person to do such a thing. " Negascott continues ruthlessly, his eyes shooting daggers at the Woman in front of him.

Envy exhales in annoyance. "Even if I was willing to believe you, which, I'm not. What proof do you even have?"

"uhhh..." A look of realization dawns on Negascott as he realized he might not have thought this through. "Well... Just ask him, watch how he reacts. I'm telling the truth, there's no way there isn't something going on." Negascott fakes confidence, trying to play it off as him knowing what he's talking about.

Envy stares at him for a moment before exhaling, clearly thinking about something.

Eventually she sits up and raises a hand to them. "Fine, just to prove a point I will, come on, let's go." 


"Do you even know where he is right now?" Negascott raised an exasperated eyebrow.

"Of course I know where he is! Me and Todd have a connection you've never had, it's almost psychic, you wouldn't understand. He's just right around the corner." 

"I bet he's in his trailer 'running lines' with Wallace." Negascott laughs, rolling his eyes.

Envy shakes her head. "There's no way."

"Let's just hurry." Ramona sighs, not expecting to get wrapped up in this today.

Eventually arriving at the trailer, Negascott tries the door, it doesn't budge. "Locked, hmm, this isn't suspicious at all!" He sarcastically comments.

Envy isn't having it though. "Move." She stands up to the door, taking a deep breath before slamming her heel into it, knocking it clean off the hinges.

Envy doesn't waste a second and steps inside, Ramona and Negascott following.

There were a lot of plants in here, and the bathroom door was closed, the muffled sound of making out could be heard coming from it. Envy furiously walked over and knocked on the door of it. Envy was starting to fear that Negascott was right, and that made her stomach churn.

"mff- What??" Todd's frantic voice came from bathroom, clearly so lost in whatever he was doing that he didn't even hear the front door of the trailer get slammed in.

"TODD INGRAM, GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW!" Envy shouted, knocking louder and harder, practically making dents in the bathroom-door.

erratic shuffling came from the other side, and Todd awkwardly shuffled out, very frazzled with his shirt tucked in weird and his hair messed up.

 "Envy! Uh, I wasn't expecting to see you so soon! Uhm!"  Todd nervously looked around.

Envy took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "Todd, baby. Who's in the bathroom?" she glared at him, barely holding back her rage.

Todd suddenly covered the door with his whole body, not wanting her to go in there. "Nobody! Nobody is in there! it was just me!" 

Envy clenched her fist, but Wallace spoke up from inside the bathroom. "Todd, just tell her."

Envy's eyes widened and she looked truly enraged. Todd immediately shuffled out of the way, trying to escape Envy's wrath. However, it wasn't directed at him, Envy pulled the door open so hard it practically broke in half, Wallace quickly slid out, barely escaping. 

"WALLACE WELLS!" Envy got ready to tackle him, but Ramona stepped in. 

"Stop! This isn't helping anyone." Ramona turned to Wallace. "Wallace, what were you doing in the bathroom with Todd?"

Wallace shrugged casually. "Running lines." he snarkily answered the question, gleefully watching as Envy got even angrier.

Negascott wanted to try to de-escalate the conversation further, but Todd started speaking first.

"No, Envy, I can't do this anymore! I can't be with you, I'm in l.. lo.." Todd's face turned red as he glanced over at Wallace. "I really like Wallace..." 

Wallace raises an eyebrow "What? Todd you do realize this was just an onset fling?" 

Todd's expression drops, and the rest of his body follows suit, looking absolutely crushed.

"But... THE PASSION! I've never been held like that before!" Todd struggles, gripping the center of his shirt. Envy's expression worsens from his statement.

"Well yeah, we were making out, it didn't really mean anything." Wallace looks at him, clearly confused.

 Todd stumbles, falling to the ground, suddenly a green light appeared below him and he disappeared through a vegan portal.

Envy pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'll give you all 10 seconds to get out of here." 

Negascott decided to listen to her for once, and Ramona and Wallace followed him. The sound of an enraged scream came from the trailer after the 10 seconds were up and they were sufficiently far away. 

Negascott looked at Wallace in great annoyance, but also resignment. "Did you really have to tell him that?"

"What? I thought he knew." Wallace responded casually.

Ramona chimed in. "That was weird, the Todd I knew never would have had such an emotional reaction to rejection..." 

Negascott stretches, shaking off any annoyance he had. "Well, we still need to find him. Any clue on where he could have gone?" Negascott turns to look over at Ramona, hoping she'd know.

Ramona sighs, looking uncertain. "I'm actually not sure, I've never seen him like this."

Wallace turns to them both. "Just check where the food is, he's always eating whenever I see him. He's probably eating right now." he suggests.

"Yeah, good idea! Ah Wallace, what would we do without you." Negascott grins genuinely with his hands behind his head.

Wallace chuckles before responding modestly, "You give me too much credit, well good luck again."

Negascott nodded and plopped his skateboard down, getting on it and kicking off, Ramona not far behind as he skated into the distance, time to find Todd, again

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