Sick of his lies

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If he'd thought the last punch was bad, then he needed to re-adjust his pain scale to factor this in.

It was the most vicious, angry, and vindictive blow he'd ever taken. She was really upset with him, and, as soon as he could breathe, he'd go and apologise. He'd meant what he'd said about loving her, but then nerves got the best of him, and he did what he did best.


And, as he lay on Savannah's bed, face down in the pillows, he thought about all of the times that telling the truth would have been the best thing to do. Not the easiest, mind, but the best. Then he thought about all of the people he'd hurt with his lies, and he suddenly felt sick.

With a Herculean effort, he pulled himself up, and staggered into the bathroom, where he retched up the contents of his stomach. He rinsed his mouth out, flushed the toilet, and exited the bathroom, and collapsed in a shaky heap on the bed.

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