All by myself

163 13 2
  • Dedicated to Cats playing Mozart

Once they were back at the Tower, Loki sent Savannah upstairs, and started bustling around the kitchen, preparing the aforementioned crumpets and hot chocolate. He's just readied the tray, carefully balancing the crumpets atop of each other and arranging the almond fingers into a nice geometric pattern, when Tony walks in to the shared kitchen, clearly heavily inebriated.

'Yo! Loki!' he says, only slurring his words a little.

'Yes, Stark?' Loki says with patience spawned from many a century of living with Thor.

'Why you so sstupid?' he complains, with a definite slur this time.

'Why are you drunk, Stark?'

'Becoss nobody lovess me enny-more,' he whines, 'Ev'n S'vnah pr'frs you. 'N youra loser.'

'I am so very glad you hold me in such high esteem, Stark.'

And then Tony starts singing the words to 'All by Myself'. And as much as Loki can't stand the man, he feels symmpathy that he has stooped to singing a Celine Dion song. With a click of his fingers, Tony is magically sent to his room, to sleep off the copious amounts of alcohol consumed. Loki carries the tray up to Savannah's room, and sets it down on a nearby table. Then he sits opposite her, and looks directly into her eyes.

'Why were you so afraid when we were in that alleyway?'

'I hoped you wouldn't notice.'

'I did, and I want to help. What was wrong?'

'It's a long story.'

'I happen to have all night, and refreshments.'

Savannah sighs, but proceeds to tell him why she had reacted so oddly.

And, Loki concedes, it is not such a strange reaction, after all.

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