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'Centaur it is.'

'Where do we need to go to find a Centaur?'

'The Forest.'

'Yes. I kind of guessed that, but which one?'

'No, it's called The Forest.'

'Not very good with names, are they?'

'It is their only forest.'

'I thought the entire country was mostly forest area?'

'It is, but the forests are all joined. Different regions have different names, but altogether, it is simply The Forest. It is similar to how you humans call your soil earth, but you live on one mostly conjoined piece of soil, called Earth.'

'I see.'

'So do I. Eyes are wonderful, aren't they?'

'Don't use my own sarcasm against me.'

'Why not?'

'Because I said so.'

'That was the best argument I have ever heard.'

'Shut up, and find me a Centaur.'

'Hold my hand.'

'I don't want to. As much as I love holding your hand, (and she really did) my hands are gonna get all sweaty.'

'Trust me, they won't. But if you don't want to, I'm certain the wolves will enjoy your company.'


As if on cue, Savannah heard a wolf-howl in the distance. She still wasn't sure, though.

'What has me holding your hand got to do with Centaurs?'

'Do you know how to traverse magical forests, of which you have no prior knowledge?'

'No, but-'

'Well, I do. And it is simpler to teleport if physical contact is involved.'

'Fine,' she huffed, although she was secretly pleased that Loki could be bothered to explain anything to her. She reached out, and Loki firmly gripped onto her hand.

It felt nice, she thought, and then she wasn't. Just wasn't. And then she was again.

It felt even nicer to exist.

Savannah groaned inwardly. She definitely hated the Bifrost, but teleporting shouldn't feel like that.

'Loki,' she complained, 'You teleported me funny.'

'What?' he asked, 'Are you missing a limb? Is there a body part in the wrong place?'

'No,' she said, 'Has that happened before?'

'No, but there's a first time for everything. What was wrong with my teleportation?'

'It felt horrible. feel horrible. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to be violently sick in that bush over there.'

She didn't go to be violently sick in any bush, anywhere, because it was too much effort. Instead, she sort of collapsed in on herself, and rested her head against Loki's knee.

'Are you alright, Savannah?'

'Yes, I'm fine. You should join me, the floor is wonderful.'

'Is that sarcasm?'


Loki gave a long suffering sigh, (the one Pepper used after Tony decided to redecorate, drunk) and then sat down next to her. She shifted a little, and then just stood up, and sat back down, in his lap.

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