Chapter 1, The Arrival: Part 3

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-April 9th, 2009-

For the past three days, Kazuto was once again going through the tiring routine of high school.. Before he knew it, three days had passed.

He had found himself wandering around his old home, thinking back to the old times with his parents and Suguha, before the accident.

Times he was happy....

By the time he had made it back to the dorm, it was past curfew.

After receiving a little lecture from Asuna for coming back late past curfew, Kazuto called it a night, as he left Asuna and Shino in the main room alone.

Little did he know at the time, both girls, alongside the chairman of the board for their school were watching him during the Dark Hour...

Seeing if he had the potential...

Before drifting to sleep on his bed, he would remember back to the dream he had the other day.

The encounter with a man in a suit with a long nose, and a woman in blue with white hair...

About a contract he had signed. Then...everything went black, as he drifted to sleep. For him, he felt like he had slept for what seemed to be a minute, while in reality, he was out cold for half an hour, regardless, he had awoken to a loud noise outside, alongside the building suddenly shaking.

Just as he was about to check out what happened, Shino was yelling at him to wake up, before bursting through his room door, grabbing ahold of his wrist.

Kazuto allowed the girl to pull him around the dorm, as they first ran toward the back exit on the first floor, before making their way toward the rooftop of the dormitory.

Before he could ask what was going on, both teens would turn toward the edge of the rooftop, where they saw a monstrous-looking creature crawling up onto the roof, before charging toward both teenagers.

Kazuto at first didn't understand what was going on, or why his classmate suddenly was pointing what looked to be a gun to her forehead.

But the moment he saw the monstrous-looking creature strike Asada down, sending her rolling across the roof, he knew he had to help her, or she, just like his parents and little sister, would die.

Just as he was about to run toward the creature, he slowly looked down at the gun-like object Shino was holding earlier, as a voice suddenly filled his head.

"Go on.....use it." The voice in his head said.

Kazuto, doing as the voice in his head said, picked up the gun as he stared at it for a few seconds, before pointing it to the temple of his head, before saying the one word that changed his life going forward...




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