Commence the Rescue Mission

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(Y/N) couldn't see anything. He couldn't feel anything

He didn't know if he was alive or not.

However, he could hear something.

"What do you think you're doing? Why didn't you switch with me? Do you still not know I exist?"


"Open your ears! Forget it... Just know this: Next time we're in danger, I'll forcefully take over!"

"Who are you?"

"I'm you! So if you die, I die. Got it?"

"Am I supposed to take that literally? Because you aren't making sense."

(Y/N) got no answer. Eventually (Y/N) woke up with his body in aching pain.

(Y/N): Where am I?

???: Glad you're awake.

(Y/N): Yoruichi?

Yoruichi was in her human form, that would explain how she carried you to, well whatever this place was.

Yoruichi: You took some heavy hits. You're lucky to escape Unohana while you could. Speaking of. What the hell was that light show you put on. When did you get strong enough to take on a Menos Grande?

(Y/N): I wasn't. I got Urahara and the gang to help me take two of them out during training specifically for a situation like that. It was essentially my escape plan if anything went wrong.

Yoruichi: You spend too much time with Urahara. You're becoming a miniature version of him with all these weird strategies of yours.

(Y/N) chuckled a bit, although it caused him some pain to laugh.

Yoruichi: Anyways I know you're injured but we can't stay cooped up any longer, we need you to train?

(Y/N): Train? For what exactly?

Yoruichi: To unlock Bankai.

(Y/N): I'll need some elaboration. What exactly is a Bankai?

Yoruichi: every zanpakuto has a two stage release. The first is a Shikai. You know that very well. However there's a stage that goes beyond that as well. That is a Bankai.

(Y/N): I see.

Yoruichi: If you want to stand toe to toe with a Captain you'll need to train to unlock it. Most training required for a Bankai takes ten years minimum, but I'll be using a training method that will only take 2 days. There's risks involved of course, but considering the time limit we're on, we'll have to take it.

(Y/N): I'll do whatever it takes.

Yoruichi: Good, Ichigo and Renji have already started their training earlier. You're starting a day late.

(Y/N): Ichigo's here too. That's a relief- WAIT RENJI?

Yoruichi: Yes, he's decided to assist us in saving Rukia.

(Y/N) got up from his bed sheets, bearing the pain of his injuries.

Yoruichi: Alright let's get to training. We don't have time. Rukia's execution has been moved to tomorrow so we have until today until tomorrow at noon.

(Y/N): Of course. Also, Yoruichi, can you please put on some clothes?


(Y/N) got the concept of the training. Using a special device created by Urahara, which forcibly materializes a Zanpakutō spirit.

 Using a special device created by Urahara, which forcibly materializes a Zanpakutō spirit

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