(Y/N) (L/N) is a normal high school student who lives in Karakura Town with his sister and father. (Y/N) had the innate ability to see spirits since birth like his best friend Ichigo. Everything was normal until (Y/N) was attacked by a Hollow and wa...
(Y/N) was currently walking around Soul Society, checking up on everyone. He was almost immediately kicked out of the Research and Development Lab the moment Kurostuchi found out what the group was up to.
(Y/N): At least he agreed to work on it...
Urahara and Wiz (despite his hatred and annoyance respectively for both of them) were luckily allowed in. (Y/N) used the opportunity to visit his other friends.
His first stop was to the Squad 13 Barracks to visit Kiyone and Sentaro. Rukia and Captain Ukitake was also there and (Y/N) had a fun chat.
(Y/N) then looked for Hisagi, but couldn't find him. He couldn't find Captain Komamura either. Captain Histugaya and Kira's locations were also an enigma. He could only assume most of them were grieving.
(Y/N) did see Rangiku, but she looked a bit out of it. (Y/N) never asked Yamamoto how long Gin would be imprisoned. (Y/N) didn't exactly like Gin but he didn't hate him either. For Rangiku and Kira's sake, he at least hoped Gin would come out a better person.
That's when something came to (Y/N)'s mind. The Court Guard Squad is down 3 captains. Tosen was dead while Aizen and Gin were imprisoned. Who could possibly fill their place?
As (Y/N) continued his journey through the Soul Society, he visited Captain Unohana and Isane. (Y/N) was able to demonstrate how much better his skills with Kaidou had become. Unohana was impressed by how much he improved in Kaidou and in his strength. So impressed in fact, she suggested that the next time (Y/N) visited, they should have a rematch. (Y/N) definitely wanted to say no, not only because he knew how terrifying she was in battle but also because he genuinely enjoyed her company. (Y/N) found Unohana to be one of the more approachable and enjoyable captains he could spend time with (but he wouldn't dare let Soi-Fon hear those words come out of his mouth).
Speaking of, (Y/N) was on his way to the Squad 2 barracks to see what Soi-Fon was up to.
(Y/N): I have faith she actually decided to rest instead of work-
(Y/N) was cut off as a member of the Stealth Squad was thrown out of the barracks at blinding speeds.
(Y/N): I guess not... That's definitely Soi-Fon...
(Y/N) took a peek into the barracks and saw Soi-Fon training while still bandaged up. Despite her injuries she was still putting the hurt on the stealth squad.
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(Y/N) walked into the barracks unnoticed. Midway through combat, (Y/N) walked up to Soi-Fon and-
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