Shadows Gone

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Azashiro stared down Lille Barro in his new angelic form. Lille Barro spoke with a high and mighty tone of voice.

Lille Barro: Soya Azashiro. You are a blight just like the others! I'll purge all of you sinners with my divine light. It's my duty as the one closest to God.

Azashiro: Did I not just say I hate meaningless tangents? Why not just take action.

Lille Barro, without hesitation, shot a beam of light towards Azashiro which the former Kenpachi simply ignored. The light passed through his body like it was nothing.

Lille Barro: You found a way to ignore the light?

Azashiro: Just as I'm unable to hurt you, you're unable to hurt me. We're at a stalemate.

Lille Barro: Absurd!

Lille Barro tried shooting Azashiro with light again but the phased right through the shinigami.

Azashiro: "The very idea of dodging or evading it is absurd." Those were your words to Captain Kyoraku, wasn't it? That was true until you met me.

All of a sudden, an invisible slash cut through a building and the debris fell on top of Lille Barro. This gave Azashiro time to change locations with teleportation.

Azashiro was attempting to lure Lille Barro away from Kyoraku to give him time to recover.

With Azashiro's hit and run tactic he had time to think about the situation.

Azashiro: *thinking* Being in the Muken for hundreds of years means that the Quincies don't have updated information on me. That much is true since he doesn't know about my weakness that was discovered by the Court Guards during my escape.

Azashiro was taken out of his thoughts as he began to use his hyper awareness to view Lille Barro's location. He was close, which prompted Azashiro to cast another spell.

From every surrounding building, gigai's that were fused with the buildings began to explode as Azashiro casted Hadō #73. Sōren Sōkatsui.

Azashiro watched as Lille Barro shook off the kido spell.

Azashiro: He surely wasn't lying about nothing piercing his skin.

Urozakuro then manifested herself.

Urozakuro: Keeheehee! You seem to be in a pickle Ken! What do you think you can do in a situation like this? Shouldn't you just give up? Perhaps now is a good time to run away for good! Maybe you can hide out in the World of the Living.

Azashiro: I'd appreciate it if you didn't insult my courage. Simply because my attacks didn't penetrate his skin doesn't mean I'm out of options. There's more than one way to skin a cat.

Urozakuro: Oh? What do you have in mind, Ken?

Azashiro: Take a close look.

While Azashiro was talking to Urozakuro, Lille Barro locked onto Azashiro's spiritual pressure and then fired multiple orbs of light out of his wings in that direction. The building was instantly riddled with holes.

Azashiro, however, was fine and was behind Lille Barro standing on another rooftop.

Azashiro: You're quite a poor shot for a Quincy.

Lille Barro: Don't speak so lightly, sinner!

However before Lille Barro could attack again, a multitude of blades rip through the insides of his body. For the first time since using his Vollstandig, Lille Barro took damage.

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