(Y/N) was in shock. Wiz had changed forms.
(Y/N): Is- Is that Wiz's release form?
Harribel: No. The one known as Waleska has regained her true form.
(Y/N): True form?
Harribel: Legend has it, there was an arrancar that rivaled the King of Hueco Mundo in strength. There was only one person she trusted to be a part of her fraccion.
(Y/N): I know the story. (M/N) La Parca and her right hand, Waleska Inez Zulema.
Harribel: I'm surprised you know it.
(Y/N): Wiz herself told me the story. (M/N) was my mother.
Harribel was surprised by the information but it immediately made sense.
Harribel: So that's why she claims to be a part of your fraccion. It all makes sense. Now then, let's wrap up this fight.
(Y/N): Right.
Harribel in an instant started to fire multiple Ola Azul's. (Y/N) dodge all of them.
(Y/N): *thinking* She's trying to keep me from closing the distance while also trying to stop me from throwing my scythe. I just need to stop her from moving.
(Y/N) casted Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō, but Harribel evaded the spell. It seemed like Harribel was adapting to his tactics.
(Y/N): *thinking* Damn it! Despite the advantage I have in Hueco Mundo, she still has the upper hand on me. Not only that, she still hasn't used her release form yet!
Just then, (Y/N) a bit of his spiritual energy returned, signifying that one of his arrancars had returned to him. (Y/N) then had an idea.
(Y/N) then flash stepped towards Harribel, once again moving fast enough to create after images.
Harribel: That trick didn't work the first time, and it certainly won't work the second time.
Harribel was able to lock onto (Y/N) then again. But just as she was about to hit him, a sword materialized out of thin air, blocking her attack as (Y/N) summoned Siegfried. Siegfried's sudden appearance caught Harribel off guard for a split second, long enough for (Y/N) to land a slash to her back.
(Y/N) followed up his attack by casting Bakudō #61. Rikujōkōrō again, this time being successful.
(Y/N): *thinking* Alright, all or nothing.
(Y/N) then started casting an incantation.
(Y/N): "Limit of the thousands hands, respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, gray fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired."
Hadō #91. Senju Kōten Taihō
Similar to his fight with Hisagi, (Y/N) summoned 10 pink energy blasts that all homed in on Harribel. However, right as the spell was about to make contact with Harribel, (Y/N) heard something that he didn't want to hear.
Harribel: Hunt, Tiburón.
Water surrounded Harribel, blocking the spell in the process. Harribel then cut through the water, revealing her Resurrección.

Bleach - The Grim Reaper (Male Reader Insert) [Book 1]
Action(Y/N) (L/N) is a normal high school student who lives in Karakura Town with his sister and father. (Y/N) had the innate ability to see spirits since birth like his best friend Ichigo. Everything was normal until (Y/N) was attacked by a Hollow and wa...