The Aftermath Part 2

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To say Unohana put (Y/N) to work was an understatement. Unohana agreed to help (Y/N) improve his Kaidou abilities. In fact she taught (Y/N) in real time as they were treating patients. But the unfortunate reality is that there were many casualties in the invasion of (Y/N) and his friends as well as Aizen's conspiracy that put the Captains against one another. The amount of patients in the medical ward wasn't anything to scoff at. However, progress was being made and (Y/N) felt great about that.

(Y/N) essentially spent the entire day at the 4th Division. Despite the exhaustion he felt from all day, he felt good about himself. Now only that, his improvement with Kaidou has increased. Sure, he still wasn't anywhere near Unohana's level, but he saw a big improvement in his skills with said Kido skill.

(Timeskip) Next day

(Y/N) decided to explore more of the Soul Society and on his solo expedition, he ran into two faces he didn't think he'd see again: Kira and Hisagi.

To say (Y/N) felt awkward running into both lieutenants after everything that happened was an understatement. If (Y/N) remembered correctly, Kira and Hisagi were lieutenants of Gin and Tosen respectively. Not only did (Y/N) beat both Kira and Hisagi, but he also apparently beat Gin and Tosen after he blacked out. Not to mention Gin and Tosen were traitors. (Y/N) wasn't really expecting them to be friendly with him if he was being completely honest.

(Y/N): H-Hey.

Hisagi: You were one the Ryokas. (Y/N) right?

(Y/N): Yeah, and your Hisagi? And the other is Kira?

Kira: Yeah, that's us...





Please someone end the weird tension.

(Y/N): So uh, where are you guys heading?

Hisagi: Oh, to the 11th Division barracks.

(Y/N): Oh I see, well I'll make sure to get out of your way. I'll just be going-

Kira: Actually (Y/N), why don't you come with us?

This caught (Y/N) off guard. To be honest he didn't know what was at the 11th Barracks. (Y/N) assumed they were on business.

(Y/N): Are you sure, I'm not getting in the way of anything am I?

Kira: Nah we were just going to get some sparring in. Just to get our mind off of things, you know?

(Y/N): Right.

Kira: And to be honest, I kinda wanted a rematch against you.

Hisagi: So that's what you were really after. Though this is a bit out of character for you.

Hisagi then turned to (Y/N).

Hisagi: You heard him, so you coming with?

(Y/N): Yeah, I'll tag along.

With that the trio took off to the 11th Division Barracks. The walk was mostly in silence but as they got closer, the trio heard a lot of noise.

???: All right, who's up next?

Hisagi: Hey Ikkaku, any more spots for training?

Ikkaku: Huh? Oh it's you guys. You brought one of the Ryoka's with you?

Kira: Yeah, he's with us.

The guy in front of (Y/N) was a bald guy with red marks around his eyes. Apparently his name was Ikkaku.

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