Onwards to Hueco Mundo

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After the intense conversation and revelation with Tatsuki, (Y/N) left school and made his way directly to Urahara Shop. On his way there, Calavera poked her head out of (Y/N)'s backpack.

Calavera: You sure that it was a smart idea to tell her all of that? She may try something reckless.

(Y/N): Unless she miraculously unlock Fullbring abilities or somehow sneaks into whatever method we use to get into Hueco Mundo, which both situations are highly unlikely, I doubt Tatsuki will be able to do anything.

Calavera: But not impossible.

(Y/N): True. But the fact of the matter is, the situation needed for something like that to happen either needs to be intentional. The percentage of Tatsuki getting any supernatural ability is slim if it happens by coincidence. And even if she did get any kind of power, it would be too new to go around fighting arrancars with.

Calavera: You really want to keep her out of this fight huh?

(Y/N): Of course. If the situation wasn't a supernatural one, I'd allow her to help no questions asked. But the truth of the matter is that I wouldn't be a good person or friend to let someone completely defenseless enter a fight with beings of mass destruction. That's like sending a baby out to war. I only told her the truth to ease her worries.

Calavera: That's understandable.

As (Y/N) and Calavera were wrapping up their conversation, they reached the front of Urahara Shop. Upon entering, (Y/N) saw Chad talking to Urahara.

(Y/N): Chad?

Chad: (Y/N), you're here.

(Y/N): What are you doing here?

Chad: I was here for training.

(Y/N): So that's why Urahara told me, Yoruichi, and Soi-Fon that the Training Ground was reserved last month...

Chad: You and Ichigo are going to save Orihime right? Let me join.

(Y/N): Of course! We could use your strength out there! Speaking of, Mr. Urahara!

Urahara: Hm? What is it, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Can I ask for permission to take Ururu and Jinta with me to Hueco Mundo. If they're alright with it, of course. We need all the help we can get!

Urahara: Sorry, (Y/N). No can do. I still need Ururu and Jinta here. I'll need their help getting some last minute preparations ready for the fight against the arrancars.

(Y/N): What about Yoruichi?

Urahara: She's in the same boat.

(Y/N): I see, a shame... It'll be hard to save Orihime with just Me, Ichigo and Chad.

???: Then what about me?

(Y/N) heard a familiar voice he hadn't heard in a month. He turned around and saw Uryu, in his Quincy attire.

(Y/N): Uryu? You're here? I thought you-

Uryu: Lost my abilities? I did... but I got them back. And they're stronger than before.

(Y/N): That's great! So we have a group of four. Although we're pushing it a little with only four members, it's the best we can do for now.

Chad: Speaking of, where's Ichigo?

(Y/N): I'm sure he'll be here soon. He got caught up at school. Give him some time.

(Y/N) then turned towards Urahara.

(Y/N): Mr. Urahara, do you know how we can get to Hueco Mundo? I have an idea of my own but I thought it would be better to know if you found anything? You always seem to be a step ahead of everyone else.

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