During Day 3 of (Y/N)'s adventure around the Soul Society, he ran into Chad, who recently just came back from visiting Yuichi, the soul that possessed his parakeet, in the Rukongai. Both (Y/N) and Chad decided to journey the Seireitei before they ran into someone who Chad seemed to be familiar with.
???: Oh you're the Ryoka I fought a few days ago. It's good to meet again under better circumstances.
Chad: I agree.
(Y/N) took a look at the man and recognized him as Captain Kyoraku. So Chad ran into him during the rescue mission.
Kyoraku: Ah, and you must (Y/N) correct?
(Y/N) Yes sir, that's me.
Kyoraku: What brings you two around this area?
(Y/N): Just sightseeing. The Seireitei is extremely big. I'm not sure I'll see all of it before we leave.
Chad: *nods*
Kyoraku: Is that so? Well, why not take a break. All that walking must be tiring. I've got some tea and steam buns to share. I can even tell you two interesting stories about the place while you rest.
(Y/N): I'm not one to turn down good hospitality. What about you Chad?
Chad: No issues here. We'll take you up on your offer.
Kyoraku: Great. Follow me.
The two boys followed the captain to the nearby barracks of the 8th Division.
Chad and (Y/N) listened intently to stories of the past told by Kyoraku while sitting outside of the barracks. He even told them about his friendship with Captain Ukitake, with the both of them being some of the oldest captains of the Court Guard Squad, second only to the Head Captain himself and Captain Unohana. (Y/N) made a mental note to stop by Captain Ukitake's barracks before he left. Meeting Ukitake while being able to catch up with Rukia, Kiyone and Sentaro would kill two birds with one stone.
After an hour of storytelling, Kyoraku decided to lay down on the floor, covering his head with his straw hat.
Kyoraku: Well, that's it for me for the day. I wouldn't want to take up all your time with boring stories of the past. You still got more of the Seireitei to explore, yeah?
(Y/N): Yep, I have plenty of ground to cover.
Kyoraku: Well good luck with that. You two can visit whenever. As for me, I'll be taking a nap.
(Y/N): A nap sounds good right about now.
Chad: You've been busy these last 3 days haven't you?
(Y/N): Yea between healing the injured and fighting for my life in a sparring match, I could use a few extra hours of sleep.
Kyoraku: Then why not just sit down and take a nap? Nothing's stopping you.
(Y/N): Well if you say so? What about you Chad?
Chad: I'm not really tired. I think I'll meet up with the others.
(Y/N): Sure thing. I'll see you later.
With that Chad took his leave and left the 8th Division barracks, leaving just Kyoraku and (Y/N) on opposite ends of the barrack walls to take a nap.
(Meanwhile) Soi-Fon POV
Soi-Fon was finishing up training with the stealth force. Ever since the invasion, Soi-Fon had a schedule of sorts. She spent the early mornings training by herself before moving on to training with the stealth squad. In the afternoon she went on patrols followed up by paperwork at night time.

Bleach - The Grim Reaper (Male Reader Insert) [Book 1]
Action(Y/N) (L/N) is a normal high school student who lives in Karakura Town with his sister and father. (Y/N) had the innate ability to see spirits since birth like his best friend Ichigo. Everything was normal until (Y/N) was attacked by a Hollow and wa...