(Y/N) was at his front door, with Soi-Fon following right behind.
Soi-Fon: So this is your house?
(Y/N): Yep. It's simple but comfortable.
(Y/N) opened the door to his home before calling out to his sister.
(Y/N): Yo, (S/N)! I'm home! And I brought a guest!
(S/N): Really! Who is it? Is it Ichigo? He hasn't dropped by in a while-
(S/N) cut herself off mid sentence as she saw the girl standing behind (Y/N). (S/N)'s face went from shock to a smug grin a mere second.
(S/N): And may I ask who your guest is dear brother?
(Y/N): (S/N), this is Soi-Fon. Soi-Fon, meet (S/N), my sister.
Soi-Fon: It's nice to meet you. (Y/N) never mentioned having a sister before.
(S/N): Nice to meet you too. So, what's the occasion, (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Shinigami stuff is going down and Soi-Fon needed a place to stay. Is dad here?
(S/N): Not yet, he called earlier and said he'd be here in time for dinner.
(Y/N): Alright, I'll start dinner. Soi-Fon, make yourself at home. You can watch television if you want.
Soi-Fon: Um... the television?
(Y/N) forgot that the Soul Society was extremely behind in pretty much everything. Of course Soi-Fon didn't know what a television was. Heck, he had to show Rukia how to open a juice box when they first met. Seriously, how was Soul Society so technologically behind? The most they had were phones and even then, it was almost primitive.
(Y/N): Right I forgot... (S/N), can you teach Soi-Fon how to use the television.
(S/N): Huh, what kind of world is she living in?
(Y/N): Not ours... literally. The Soul Society isn't advanced in the technological department.
(S/N): Quite the girl you decided to introduce to the family.
(Y/N): Please don't misconstrue the meanings of my actions on purpose.
While (Y/N) was cooking dinner, (S/N) was watching introducing Soi-Fon to her favorite TV shows. (Y/N) noticed that Soi-Fon was uncharacteristically interested in the show at hand. Now that (Y/N) thought about it, she was also like that during the theater they were at while he was in the Soul Society. Maybe Soi-Fon finally found one of her hobbies: watching movies.
Just then, (F/N) entered the house, taking his coat off at the door.
(F/N): Hey, I'm home- Oh, we have a guest?
(Y/N): Hey dad! Yeah, I brought someone home.
(Y/N) said, leaving the kitchen to greet his dad.
(Y/N): Dad, this is Soi-Fon. She's from the Soul Society.
(F/N): Really? Well it's nice to meet you. I'm (F/N) (L/N).
Soi-Fon, who was previously watching television, got up and bowed in respect.
Soi-Fon: Good Evening, I'm Soi-Fon, Captain of Squad 2 of the Court Guard Squad.
(F/N): Oh, so you're a famous shinigami, huh?
(Y/N): Sorry to throw this onto you on short notice dad, but the arrancar situation is getting pretty serious so some of the Shinigami from the Soul Society came down to help. Is it okay if Soi-Fon stays here until the whole thing is settled?

Bleach - The Grim Reaper (Male Reader Insert) [Book 1]
Action(Y/N) (L/N) is a normal high school student who lives in Karakura Town with his sister and father. (Y/N) had the innate ability to see spirits since birth like his best friend Ichigo. Everything was normal until (Y/N) was attacked by a Hollow and wa...