The Witch and the Scientist

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Wiz's POV

In Hueco Mundo

Wiz and Mayuri had stacks of paper on multiple desks located in the lab.

Mayuri: With that, I can say without hesitation that our work here is done.

Wiz: I think it was well worth it. Though I find it hard to believe that Szayelaporro is who he says he is.

Mayuri: I agree.

Wiz: We should deliver this information to the Soul Society and the group in the World of the Living.

Mayuri: I'll make my return to Soul Society and deliver the news myself. You can tell the lot in The World of the Living what we've discovered.

"After digging through my research, you're just going to leave it a mess? I'm quite disappointed."

A Garganta opened up in the lab as Szayelaporro stepped out of it. Wiz and Mayuri turned to the arrancar, on guard of his sudden appearance. Szayelaporro turned to Wiz.

Szayelaporro: What do you think you're doing, treating this place like it's yours? My temporary absence doesn't give you the right to snoop through my belongings.

Wiz simply gave Szayelaporro a glare.

Then to Mayuri.

Szayelaporro: And you. Once again, you've gone through my lab, stolen my research and stolen my test subjects? Have you no shame?

Mayuri then spoke up.

Mayuri: You're one to talk. Sneaking into my lab and touching my specimen with those grimy hands of yours.

Szayelaporro: You know, I was surprised that you Soul Reaper dullards were even able to analyze the Garganta. For that, I commend you.

Szayelaporro said smugly, referring to the Garganta Mayuri summoned during the War with Aizen.

Mayuri: For such an easy task? Do not patronize me. Who are you, anyway?

Szayelaporro was taken aback by Mayuri's question.

Szayelaporro: What? Have you gone mad?

Mayuri: Not even I can get a clear read on you. Of course, I could purpose the theories that me and Ms. Zulema here has come up with, but I would rather they not be proven correct.

Szayelaporro then burst out in laughter.

Szayelaporro: Pfft! Hahaha! Well said! Yes, my existence would be hard for you to comprehend! And now, the great Szayelaporro Granz stands before the very man that had supposedly sent him to his death!

Mayrui turned to Wiz and spoke.

Mayuri: How unfortunate. I had hoped that our theory would not be correct.

Wiz: It seems that we aren't dealing with the man who we thought we were dealing with after all.

Mayuri nodded before turning back to Szayelaporro.

Mayuri: So, once again, who are you?

Szayelaporro: I never knew you were one to make such jokes. Or is that your sarcastic way of saying you have long forgotten the name of your specimen after analyzing it?

Mayuri: One hundred years.

Szayelaporro was confused at Mayuri's comment.

Szayelaporro: Huh?

Mayuri: In his mind, at least a hundred years must have passed between the time I administered the superhuman potion to Szayelaporro Granz and the moment my blade pierced his heart. Did you experience those one hundred years? If you are him then part of your Reishi separated from your soul and passed through the gates of Hell.

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