(Y/N) (L/N) is a normal high school student who lives in Karakura Town with his sister and father. (Y/N) had the innate ability to see spirits since birth like his best friend Ichigo. Everything was normal until (Y/N) was attacked by a Hollow and wa...
Azoth and Cien stared each other down for what felt like an eternity. However, Cien made one slight movement, prompting Azoth to close the distance, using Sonido to sneak past Cien and grab Chad and move to Orihime's position.
Cien: *thinking* Her Sonido is impressive. Perhaps more so than Zommari's.
Azoth quickly made her way back to Cien, enveloping her hand in purple spiritual energy, landing a devastating punch directly to Cien's face.
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The punch was so strong, the sound of Azoth's face making contact with Cien's jaw could be heard in the surrounding area. Of course the punch propelled the arrancar across the battlefield. Cien was dumbfounded.
Cien: *thinking* This... thing... Hollow or not, it can give Zaraki a run for its money. And she hasn't even used what I assume is her Zanpakuto.
Cien lifted his body off of the ground and immediately realized that his jaw was dislocated. With his medical knowledge and pain tolerance, Cien relocated his jaw before laughing.
Cien: Alright then "Azoth", you had my curiosity, now you have my attention!
Azoth: Is that so? Then allow me to enlighten you on my true strength!
Cien fired a Gran Rey Cero at Azoth as the beam made its way towards the hollow, Azoth simply raised her staff-shaped zanpakuto.
Azoth: Decompose.
The Gran Rey Cero approaching Azoth simply faded away before it could make contact with her.
Cien: *thinking* I see... Her body heavily resembles that of a Homunculus but her weapon acts like a philosopher's stone, allowing her to perform techniques and abilities similar to the practices of alchemy.
Azoth then started to form a Gran Rey Cero of her own.
Azoth: Recompose.
A Gran Rey Cero, the same color as Cien's, flew directly at him, making direct contact.
Azoth: How do you like the power of my zanpakuto, Magnum Opus? My power is unrivalled and my knowledge is ever growing! The possibilities that I can create are endless! Observe!
Azoth slammed her staff into the ground as it glowed. The surrounding sands in Hueco Mundo then start to rise and move towards Cien. The sand then turned into metal blades, stabbing into Cien.
Cien: Like a true alchemist... you transmuted the sand and changed its element.
Azoth: I'm glad you noticed. However, this is far from my only trick.
Cien's eyes widen.
Cien: You're insane! You'll also catch lead poisoning from this trick of yours!