What's his Ability?

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Night of Tsukishima and Shishigawara's Attack

Ichigo was walking home, deep in thought about something. As he turned into one of the alleyways he saw his Dad, Isshin, standing there.

Ichigo: *thinking* Dad?

Isshin turned around but Ichigo hid in the alleyway he was just in to prevent Isshin from seeing him.

"What's the matter?"

Entering the alleyway to meet Isshin was Urahara.

Isshin: No, it's nothing

"It definitely seemed like something."

A third voice joined the conversation, belonging to (F/N).

Isshin: You look horrible. What happened to you?

(F/N): (Y/N) was attacked by both of the Fullbringers so I had to help.

Ichigo, eavesdropping on the conversation, was shocked.

Ichigo: *thinking* No way. When did they get the jump on (Y/N)? We just saw each other earlier...

Isshin: That shouldn't be a battle you two should've lost...

(F/N): (Y/N) got attacked while he was still human. They stole his combat pass so he had to allow his hollow to take over so he could fight back.

Ichigo wasn't sure how to take the news.

Isshin: Let's go somewhere else.

Urahara: Why?

Isshin: Just in case. This isn't the best place to have a conversation like this.

Urahara: I see. Let's do that.

(F/N): Lead the way then.

As the three adults left, one thing ran through Ichigo's head.

Ichigo: *thinking* I've got to regain my powers as soon as possible!

The Next Day

(Y/N) stood in front of Orihime's apartment. (Y/N) mind thought back to the events of the previous day.

(Y/N): *thinking* Man... I really screwed over Orihime's district by letting Thanatos loose. Thankfully her apartment didn't get caught in the crossfire.

On cue, Orihime opened the door, exiting her apartment.

Orihime: Sorry for making you wait.

(Y/N): It's no problem, really. Let's get going.

As (Y/N) and Orihime started to walk to school, (Y/N) saw the amount of debris that lay on the street. Orihime noticed (Y/N) staring.

Orihime: You don't have to feel bad, you know.

(Y/N): I caused a huge commotion...

Orihime: You were just protecting yourself. It's fine.

(Y/N): *sigh* I guess... What's done is done.




Orihime: I'm sorry I wasn't truthful about what happened yesterday...

(Y/N): No, it's alright. Now that we have an idea what Tsukishima's powers are, it only makes sense.

Orihime: Yeah... I have to admit, I was a bit scared to know you encountered both of them at the same time. When I saw your unconscious body at my doorstep I almost fainted.

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