𝔦𝔵 ── Romeo VS Juliet

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romeo vs juliet
. °ʚɞ°.⭒₊

Pots clanged against each other in the small kitchen, but it was comforting during the early hours of the day. The sun was barely rising above the horizon while wisps of white fluorescent clouds swirled around the peach colored sky and the birds were loudly chirping, waking those up by their song. People were getting ready for their day of work, causing the rusty water pipes to groan loudly because of the water that rushed through. Dogs barked mindlessly, alarm clocks went off. Soon, they would either leave for work or make breakfast for themselves or their kids. Nearby, the L-train rushed past on its rickety, rusted racks.

The pan popped and bubbled with grease from the thinly sliced kosher bacon as different seasonings were perched on the cheap rack and a dull knife cut through different pieces of vegetables. Carrots were being cut into circles and half of an onion was cut into squares.

   Water slipped through her calloused fingers as the dirt underneath her fingernails washed away in an instant.

   "So, me, Richie, and Mikey at Ceres after I had graduated from CIA. Ceres is like this little bar at the bottom of a building where rich people dine and drink, whatever the fuck they do. Anyways, I had graduated and Mikey said, let's celebrate. Instead of going to a nice breakfast or something we get high and drunk as all hell."

   Red wine began filling the pot nearly halfway through as pieces of cooked kosher meat were set aside and the wine began filling up the pot with the vegetables inside it. A few bay leaves were added and a six cups of beef broth was added too.

"Ceres is usually opened from six in the morning until like ten at night. I think. Anyways, the three of us goes in there and it's absolutely packed with people even though it's six forty-five. It was a giant fucking party with all of these goddamn hockey dick sucking son of a bitches and let me tell you, Mikey and Richie were fangirling the fuck out."

"No way. You're fuckin' with me."

"I'm not! I swear to you, Carmy, they were freaking out. Richie being Richie, he grabs this pamphlet about the goddess of agriculture which is also Ceres and he starts reading it out loud like a fuckin' idiot. Mind you, Ceres is a dwarf planet too which is so cool. Out of nowhere, Richie takes out his phone and he redoes his whole outgoing voice thingy and out of nowhere, Bill Murray shows up with this look on his face."

"Nah, you're definitely fucking with me."

"I'm super serious, Carm. That man is doing side quests like crazy."

The oven light turned on with the pad of her finger and she bent down to put the covered pot into the rusted oven. The oven door slammed close and the white timer dialed to ninety minutes. Two hours. Odessa sniffled slightly as she rushed around the kitchenette with the sleeves of her off shoulder sweater pushed up to her elbows. She opened her cabinet and grabbed out a bag of potatoes before grabbing a steel bowl. She opened the drawer in the counter space and she pulled out two potato slicers of different colors.

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