I'm waiting for someone to come
Waiting for an adventure
Waiting for love
I'm waiting to leave
I'm waiting to see
Whats to come
Where to go
I'm waiting for my brother
I'm waiting for my mother
Waiting for their trust
Waiting for what I must
Do too see them
What I can to be with them
I'm waiting for the darker days
I'm waiting for the night
Waiting for the stars
Waiting for the cars
To pick me up
Is that it?
Time to go
My waiting is over
It's time for fireworks, moreover
Flash flash
Pop pop pop
Fireworks will go off
I'm excited
It's time to stop
Random poems I wrote
PoetryJournaling is boring to me, so when I feel strong emotions I write poems. These are some of my more recent poems I've written over the years, hope you like them!