Curling up into a ball leads into an abyss
Loving another starts as exciting and ends with guilt
Or it starts as worrying so much you combust into a million pieces of yarn
And you'll take that yarn and turn it into something pretty
then Rip it apart again
How do you care for another
How do you say, " I care."
When all you do is make an abyss
How do you "fully" care?
To keep myself from turning into yaRn
I decide to act like the sky
Turning and turning blue
Act as a floating cloud who could care less about the world below
But then!
All the sudden I do care
Guilt Guilt Guilt Guilt Guilt
Why oh why oh why
Contradicting myself again
I hate it
How do I care as a cloud
How could I possibly float to the ground
Ripping ripping to form another abyss
But I could have avoided
This if I never left my house
If I never talked again
If I was just nice like I'm supposed to be
If I was happy
If I was N O R M A L
Random poems I wrote
PoetryJournaling is boring to me, so when I feel strong emotions I write poems. These are some of my more recent poems I've written over the years, hope you like them!