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"Good morning, guys," Jungkook said as he sat beside Jain.

"Kooki, are you on leave?" Jain asked.

"Yes. Actually, my boss is on leave, so I don't need to go to the office."

"That's great! I am also thinking about taking leave."

"No need for that. Go to school, Jain."

"Kooki... please," she pouted.

"No, I'll be here for the next week too."

"Okay..." Jain said with a sigh.

"Jiya and John are coming over today. Jiya called me," Jungkook mentioned.

"Why? Don't they have any other jobs?" Jain asked.

"Jain," Yoona called her, "we need to get some items. Kooki, we need to make good food for them."

"Why?" Jain asked again.

"Jain, go and get ready," Jungkook said to her.

"Okay..." She shrugged and walked to her room.


Jungkook stare at his phone, no calls and messages from Taehyung. I have to wait for 7 days more to see him. He lay on bed. Iam missing you hyungi.

Jungkook, his mother knocked on the door. He open the door.

Yes mom....

They are here. Come.

Ya... Jungkook walks behind her. Seeing Jiya and John on the couch. He smiles at them. John stare at him unbelievably..  Jiya also give him a glare.

I think you already goes back... John said to Jungkook.

I extended my leave for one week too... Jungkook said.

I see, John smiles.


"What? He's my friend, Mom."

"So what? He's a good boy."

"But... I've never seen him like that. He's a good friend of mine."

"A good friend, not a brother. I've already talked with them. Jungkook is okay with it, so why not you?"

"Jungkook said okay?" Mingyu asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Mingyu. He said okay. That's why I'm proceeding with this," she smiled. "I like him; he's a very good boy. We need to visit their home next Sunday."

"I can't believe this," Mingyu smiled. "If he's okay with it, then I am too."


"Mom, his files," Jungkook asked.

"Here," Yoona said, handing Jeon's files over as they prepared to go to the hospital for a check-up.

"What's the need for this, Jungkook? Nothing is getting better," Jeon sighed.

"Appa, please... don't be like this. You're better than last month. I know you'll walk properly one day."

"Where are you going?" John asked Jeon and Jungkook.

"To the hospital for a check-up," Jeon answered.

"I'll come with you," John offered.

"No, no... we'll go," Jungkook insisted.

"Come on, Uncle, am I not your son? Let me take my car." John walked outside quickly.

Jeon and Yoona smiled at each other as Jungkook and Jeon followed John outside. John opened the door for them. Jungkook helped Jeon into the front seat and then sat in the back. John glanced at Jiya and drove the car away.

"Unlike you, he's helping, Kooki," Yoona said to her daughter.

"Oh! Your son is also helping a lot of people," Jiya glared at her mother. "Believe me, Mom, your son is not what you think."

"Don't you dare say bad things about him, Jiya. I know my son. At least he isn't like you," Yoona glared back and walked inside.

"Yes... he isn't like me. One day, you'll understand him," Jiya gritted her teeth.


"Why are you silent, Jain?" Dohyun asked, looking at her.

"Nothing, Mr. Dohyun. I'll go home myself," Jain replied, standing in front of her school. Dohyun stopped his car in front of her.

"Come on, Jain. I want to see my hyung too. We're both going in the same direction."

"No thanks. I'll go myself."

"Jain, I can offer you a cheesy pizza too, or—"

"Look at me, Mr. Dohyun," Jain interrupted. "You are my sister's brother-in-law; that's why I acknowledged you. Don't take liberties, and I'm not that kind of person. So, get lost." She gave him a glare and walked toward the bus stop.

"Little bitch," Dohyun muttered through gritted teeth as he got back into his car.

"What happened?" his friend asked.

"Nothing," Dohyun replied, still gritting his teeth. "She's not like Jiya and Jungkook. This girl is really something," he said with a sigh.


"I think we should go to a better hospital, maybe in the city," John said to Jeon. Jungkook and Yoona exchanged glances, and Jiya smiled at them.

"No need for that, son. I'm good now," Jeon replied.

"Thinking about money? Come on, I'm your son too," John laughed. Jungkook stared at him, wondering if he had really changed this quickly.

"You know what, Daffodils? Don't trust anyone too firmly once they've hurt you badly. They might have changed, but still, keep your guard up," Jungkook remembered Taehyung's words. "I better listen to hyung," he thought. His eyes fell on his phone—still no information about Kim Taehyung. "Seven more days," he thought with a pout.

"Jain! Why do you look so angry? What happened, dear?" Yoona asked her daughter, who had just come home with an angry expression.

"It's nothing, Mom. I just need to freshen up," Jain replied, walking to her room immediately, leaving Jungkook confused.

"I heard you took my Appa to the hospital," Jain said to John.

"Yes, Jain. It's my responsibility," he replied.

"No, it's not your responsibility. It's our father, so it's our responsibility. Your wife never took him to the hospital like this, so please keep your distance from us. And one more thing: tell your brother that Jain is not a typical high school girl who falls for a handsome face and money. If he comes after me again, I'll report it to the police. Got it, brother-in-law?" she said, staring him down.

"Sorry about that... I'll tell him. Don't worry," John replied.

"Do I look worried, sir?" she asked, looking him straight in the eyes.

John gulped at her intense look. "Sorry, Jain... I—"

"It's okay," she smiled, warning him briefly with her demeanor. With that, she walked into her house.

"Three of them have three different characters... Dohyun..." John muttered angrily as he dialed his brother's number.

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