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In our civilization, it is said that food is addictive. It is like a drug. It is very dangerous. Because the body can eat, it is a very luxurious activity to maintain the body, let alone control the body to eat. So my father owns a restaurant.

Days later, after that incident some people from the Food Ministry came to our restaurant with some police officers and searched all over saying they got several complaints about our restaurant serving rotten vegetables, chemical mixture for color instead of real spices and many more and at last they found a dead cat beside the disposal area of our restaurant. They shut down our restaurant and charged a lot of money for compensation.

After returning home, sitting in the living room, my dad waited awkwardly for my mother's evaluation. We got rid of it because my father had a connection with CID officer from a  higher position. They investigated and my father filed a complaint where Arran's uncle got arrested.

However, in fact, what was going around in my mind was a trivial question. I personally do not think he's that kind of person. I did never talk with him , met him once but eyes never lies. It felt more like he was framed.

But there's no place for me to say anything. I'm just a bystander. The onlookers in the audience will never know what the people above are doing.
I remember Arran that day saying one more line, “If you continue to show up, your family may definitely need to pay some price, for example, life loss.”
Suddenly the sound of the pigeon whistle was heard, and the pigeons in the nearby residential area flew overhead in groups. I looked up and saw the blue sky, without the shelter of buildings, pure blue, suffocating.


3 days later, I got a phone call and it was his voice. I felt he was scared and trembling but was trying to communicate with me calmly. He told me to visit him near the playground where the last day he took me to. He will be waiting for me because he wanted to apologise. I told him I wasn't upset because I know he was scared for me, worrying for me. But still I was gonna meet him there.

When he scolded me that day, I was sad, really sad. I couldn't understand those emotional eyes at the time, but now when I recall, my heart hurts sharply.
The day when I was ought to visit him, I actually slept for twelve hours straight at daytime. The bright sunshine hit my face, and when I opened my eyes, it was a golden world and already 3 pm. I was ought to meet him around 4 pm. I washed my face, shook my head, held my heartbreak and lied to my mother for the 2nd time in life about going out. I told her, my advisor posted a message on google classroom to meet him before 6 o'clock.

When I reached there, not a single crow was flying above. I'm not a person who can comfort others but I sometimes give myself courage, enough courage to believe myself, enough courage to tell myself I'm right. I went inside the playground. It was an abandoned place to be frank, near to this place, there's some construction going on for a flyover for almost half a month.

Suddenly I heard some terrible horrifying sound from behind. A group of men started chasing me with blades and large stick of wood.
It is easy to attack and kill ordinary people with these things. I was frightened out of my wits, and quickly intended to escape. I was only thinking about running away.

Escape, the farther I  can escape, the better! Sadly I didn't realise before, the fact that he didn't have my number....

I was running and running. In the distance, there was a vast expanse of grey clouds and near the wet muddy ground and bushes that have been hit by wind and rain, the persistent and stern wind drove away the heavy rain, and passed across the sky. The heavy rain poured down, which immediately soaked myself and those fellas. They slowed down, but I thought, I shouldn't. I escaped to the roof of a building. It was the office of this large abandoned playground. The roof was way too much slippery. I heard the footsteps of them reaching me with the stairs. There was no door for rooftop, no place to hide, totally an empty rooftop. I was wrong to enter this building. I never did know how to fight. It was raining heavily. I found that the barbarians were rushing towards me through a gap. I felt a little bit less scared. I took out my hair clip and broke down the sharp edge. Luckily I was wearing a very sharp hairpin today.

I asked them, showing the broken hairclip, holding it like a knife, who they were ; they didn't say anything. I asked them what they wanted, they didn't say anything.

One suddenly yelled, “Tell your father to withdraw the complaint. This time we are just scaring you, next time, no one from your family would survive."

After finishing the sentence he took a step forward with his hand raised towards me and I took a step backward. The rooftop was way too much slippery , the railings were too rusty and week.
The momentum was uncontrollable, uncontrollable !
I felt myself fluttering in the air. The heavy sound of iron falling to the ground was heard. I was flying and flying, fluttering and fluttering. I was happy, this was the last time of me, entering into a hospital. I won't ever be admitted into a hospital again. I remember seeing him in the long corridor in front of the canteen, it was raining but there was a bright sun shining. We crossed each other, he gave me chemistry text paper, without turning to me, he asked me to give that to one of my classmates. I turned back in surprise, the bright sunlight shining through the leaves of the sycamore trees on both sides of the corridor, and a patch of light on the ground. The fine and dazzling sunlight fell on him while he was walking away.

I closed my eyes safely, waiting for the crushed bones in a rapid fall. The building was too high, I didn't know till then, if the sound of crushing bones would be heard by me or not. I waited. The falling force finally came, and the imaginary pain was felt for real this time. The whistling of the wind passed by my ears, and I saw the top of the building disappearing from my sight. The pungent smell of blood stimulated my nerves. I realised I feel on the construction area. I fell over a sharp large rod, it was deeply piercing into my chest, but it didn't hurt at all. I didn't feel any pain. Blood gurgled out and perhaps I have experienced the most painful things in this world, death !

Now, I can't go back home before 6 o'clock anymore, I lied and got the punishment.... It's embarrassing....
I wish,I didn't write about anything about you in my diary. I don't want anyone to read my diary after my death. I wish I wrote everything about you in sticky notes.
So they would fly away.
Arran, know that leaving you is my last gift for you.

 Arran, know that leaving you is my last gift for you

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(End of this chapter)

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