Chaos Spreading:

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In the darkness of night, Luke knew the risk he would be taking. All he could do was hope the mist wouldn't reach the forest's depths. As Luke navigated through the dense foliage, the connection with Ren grew stronger. He felt her presence guiding him, an ethereal thread pulling him toward his destination. Finally, he arrived at the heart of the grove, where ancient trees circled a small clearing. The air was thick with magic, and the ground seemed to pulse with energy. It was like a heartbeat thudding loudly, pulling him to seek more information.

Knowing he was close to a breakthrough, Luke closed his eyes and focused, letting the connection with Ren guide him. He felt a surge of power, and the clearing began to glow with a soft, golden light. Symbols appeared on the ground, ancient runes that pulsed with energy. Luke stepped into the centre circle, feeling the magic enveloping him.

Just as this came into view, he heard the braking of a twig and a rustling nearby. Unable to move, fearing losing the circle, he had no choice but to wait and confront what or whoever came his way. The footsteps continued to get louder and louder until he finally came face to face with a robust yet rugged-looking male and what seemed to be his daughter.

"Who are you?" the female said, folding her arms sassily yet confidently. How on earth have you summoned a portal sphere? You smell human?" She huffed, eyeing Luke up and down as the other got closer to the glowing circle.

Realms of Destiny: Shadows of  CaligoWhere stories live. Discover now