Chaos ripples II

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The group gathered around, the mood becoming severe as they discussed the details. Ren laid out the different locations where the ancient texts might be found, each posing its own challenges.

"Some of these places are in realms that are hostile to humans or Arcane," Ren explained. "We need to be strategic. I have met Ezra and Ignatius before and have sent them a note, hopefully they will help us with the preparations, but once we're inside, it's up to us."

"First set of texts are in Riukri, there I have an old friend of mine hopefully he is living there and not on earth, his name is Andreas Quaid. But I know he keeps his scrolls under serious protection in a cript." 

"Andreas', you mean the head of the Quaid vampire clan. Hell no, we will all become a nice drink!" Kyler explained, looking panicky at the suggestion. But Ren rolled her eyes and tutted. 

"No, you won't become food straws. well, as long as you are with me, you wont?" 

"What do you mean Ren?" Cassian announced looking her deeply with curiosity. 

"Look the truth is I am born of from the will of the universe. I am not one thing I am elements of meany. I am part human, part warlock, wolf, vampire. you name it I have the DNA to be perceived as friend to any realm." 

Ren's words taking a moment to sink in. Kyler, Zarah, Cassian, and Luke exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to comprehend the full extent of Ren's identity.

"Wait, so you're saying you have the DNA of all these different beings?" Kyler asked, trying to wrap his head around the concept.

Ren nodded. "Yes. It's why I can navigate different realms without being immediately recognized as an outsider. My existence is tied to the balance of the universe, and I have the traits of various beings within me."

Cassian's curiosity deepened. "Does that mean you have abilities from each of these realms too?"

"To some extent, yes," Ren replied. "But it's not just about having abilities. It's about understanding and connecting with each realm. That's why Andreas Quaid will help us. He knows what I am, and he respects the balance I represent. I think he will be in favour of change."

Zarah, always the practical one, asked, "Andreas Quaid might respect you, but will his clan? How can we be sure they won't see us as intruders?"

Ren took a deep breath. "We can't be completely sure. But we need those texts. Andreas is an old friend and he's our best chance. I'll lead the way and ensure our safety. Trust me on this."

Luke, who had been listening intently, stepped forward. "If Ren trusts this Andreas, then so do I. We have to take risks to get answers."

Kyler, still looking uncertain but determined, finally nodded. "Alright. But we're sticking together and staying alert. No one goes off alone and we need that exit plan."

Cassian agreed. "Let's move quickly and stay focused. We need to get in, find the texts, and get out without drawing too much attention from the clan. I think distraction may be a good way forward."

In agreement, the group set off towards Riukri, In between teaching Luke how to defend himself and giving him a crash course with a sward. The Riukri realm is known for its barren and mostly shadowed landscapes and hidden dangers. Ren explained more about her unique heritage as they walked, sharing stories of her interactions with different beings and realms. The information was fascinating and daunting for her friends, but it strengthened their resolve. 

Arriving at the outskirts of Riukri, they could see the dense dark forest ahead, shrouded in mist and mystery. Ren led the way, her senses attuned to the subtle environmental shifts. They moved carefully, aware of the potential dangers lurking in the shadows.

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