Chaos rages

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Ren noticed Cassian lagging as the group began their trek through the dark forest. She slowed to walk beside him, sensing he had something on his mind.

"You did well back there," Ren said, breaking the silence. "Your reflexes are as sharp as ever."

Cassian nodded, but his expression remained troubled. "Thanks, Ren. But there's something I need to talk to you about."

Ren glanced at the others ahead, ensuring they were out of earshot. "What's on your mind?"

Cassian took a deep breath, his eyes locking onto hers with intensity. "This prophecy... and Osiris. It's bigger than we realised, isn't it? The stakes are higher."

Ren sighed, feeling the weight of his words. "Yes, it is. The prophecy involves many realms and many lives. And Osiris is a formidable opponent. We have to be prepared for anything."

Cassian's brow furrowed. "We've faced tough battles before, but this feels different. It is more dangerous than I have ever known my people to face. I also worry about the toll it's taking on you, especially after what happened with those scrolls."

Ren looked down, her fingers brushing over the vial of glowing liquid Andreas had given her. "I'm not going to lie, Cassian. It's taking a lot out of me. But I have to keep going. We all do. This fight is too important to back down from. Plus, I will never give Osiris the power to rule."

Cassian placed a hand on her shoulder, his grip firm yet comforting. "You don't have to bear this burden alone, Ren. We're all in this together. If you ever feel it's too much, promise me you'll let us help you."

Ren met his gaze, gratitude and resolve shining in her eyes. "I promise. And thank you, Cassian. For everything."

Cassian smiled reassuringly. "We're family, Ren. We look out for each other, no matter what."

They walked in companionable silence for a moment before Cassian spoke again. "What do you think our next move should be? After we find the artefacts?"

Ren considered his question, her mind racing through the possibilities. "We must find a way to break the spell on the dark cloaks and counter Osiris' power. The artefacts are a crucial part of that, but we also need to understand the rituals involved. We'll have to seek more allies, gather as much knowledge as possible, and stay one step ahead of Osiris."

Cassian nodded, his determination mirroring hers. "Whatever it takes, we'll do it. For our realms, and for each other."

Ren felt a renewed sense of hope as they caught up with the rest of the group. 

"Alright, everyone," Ren called out, her voice strong and clear. "Let's keep moving. We have a long journey ahead and can't afford to lose any time. I know we can sleep, rest, and be safe somewhere up ahead."

With a shared look of understanding, the group pressed on through the forest, their resolve unshakeable. They were united by their mission, and nothing would stop them from fulfilling the prophecy and defeating Osiris.

Soon, Ren guided them to a clearing in the middle of a meadow on the outskirts of OKuri. In the air hung the smell of a fresh broth and bead being baked. It was the closest thing to home comforts they had seen in weeks. But they could see where Ren had led them once the initial view was off. 

"Follow me, people, and no dawdling. We have a pack leader to visit." Ren smiled, looking very at home in the surroundings. 

"Ren, why do you look so calm about being her? We are right in the mitts of a werewolf colony."

"Uh, stop being babies. Seriously, if Galileo or Kelper could see you now, they would be laughing." Ren huffed as they arrived at the biggest tent in the meadow. She then growled and howled in a whisper before entering. There stood a rather hench male with a scraggly appearance, sporting a long beard and a ponytail. The man welcomed them with open arms as the teens walked in cautiously. 

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