Ignition of Chaos

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That night, Ren tried to keep her promise to Luke, but her promise crumbled as she contemplated the Valie of Mist. As she walked the darkened Streets, hoping she could escape the mist for one night of her quest. Nights had become one of Ren's small comforts; they allowed her to be who she wanted to be, to practice her skills, and to find out who and what she was.

Finally, at midnight, Ren arrived at an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town, where She had felt the fog's presence strongest the night before. The building loomed ominously in the darkness, its windows shattered and walls covered in graffiti. A sense of foreboding hung in the air, but Ren felt at peace—like someone or something was drawing her to the house that night. As she walked further into the house, she heard muffled voices. Each one debating another angle of an argument they seemed to be in. Ren, being curious, couldn't help but listen to the conversation.

"I don't know what you were thinking; we will not find the chosen one here. I mean, look at this werhouse." A teen girl murmured.

"Come on, Zarah, the other Arcane are looking for it around here." A teen boy spoke. He had blond hair and piercing blue eyes.

"Yeah, it will do us all good to practice our skills," another teen boy whispered, with Jet's black hair and a scar that followed the length of his arm. Just then, the three walked by the door where Ren was hiding behind, causing her to hold her breath in the hope that she could stay hidden. But as she did, her elbow tapped the door, causing it to creek.

"Did you hear that Cassian?" The other boy snapped like a hunter searching for prey. The three then whispered something inaudible under their breaths, causing Ren's blood to run cold. She was frozen by the door's shadow or ran out of the abandoned building as fast as possible. Just as she was about to open the door, she caught her hand on a glass shard. It was causing her to scream in pain. Gave the three teens a pinpoint of her location.

Without hesitation, Ren bolted out from behind the door and into the middle of the empty warehouse. She scanned everywhere, high and low, to ensure she was safe. That was when she caught a shadow, and then the shadow materialised in the three teens in seconds. Meters away from her, glaring at her, clearly determined to catch up to her. That is why Ren was not about to hang around to find out. Immediately, she sprinted for the exit, smashing through any door she had to gain a sense of security.

All she could hear behind her was three teens shouting inaudibly at her and to each other. But soon, it was in the distance, and a new problem had occurred. The mist had arrived at the abandoned warehouse; it had never been seen this far until now. It didn't make sense. Ren had mapped it for months; it wasn't due to be here till four months from now. But she had no choice with people hunting her for an unknown reason. With one look back to see the three gaining on her, Ren took a deep breath, closed her eyes and walked into the fog. The three shouted at her not to do it, but it was too late.

As Ren stepped into the black swirling mists, a chilling sensation enveloped her. The air grew dense and heavy, muffling the sounds of the world outside. She could barely see a foot before her as the fog wrapped around her like a shroud. Every instinct screamed at her to turn back, but she pressed on, driven by fear and determination.

The fog seemed to pulse with an eerie energy, its tendrils curling around her limbs, trying to pull her deeper into its depths. Ren struggled to keep her bearings, her heart pounding in her chest. The further she went, the more disoriented she became, the warehouse and her pursuers lost in the ethereal haze.

Then, just as panic began to set in, the fog parted slightly, revealing a small clearing in its midst. In the centre stood an ancient, weathered altar, much like the one she and Luke had encountered in the city's centre. The only difference was bright red Symbols glowed faintly on its surface, casting a dim light that pierced through the gloom.

Ren approached cautiously, her breath visible in the cold, damp air. She reached to touch the altar, hoping for some clue or guidance. As her fingers brushed the surface, a jolt of energy surged through her, and she heard a voice—a whisper carried on the wind.

"Ren," it said, "you are closer to the truth than you know. The fog's power grows, but so does yours. Embrace your destiny, and you will find the strength to overcome the darkness."

The words filled her with a strange sense of calm and resolve. She knew that whatever lay ahead, she would face it head-on. Turning back towards the warehouse, she could see the three teens' shadows awaiting with caution. Just then, she felt weak as the flog wafted away from her, and the world returned to familiarity. But before she could begin to run from the teens, she collapsed into a heap.

With one swift motion, the three watch as her petite figure falls to the floor. Without hesitation, the blonde-haired boy ran to see if he could help her.

"Is she dead?" Zarah questioned as she tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"No, but she does have a large cut on her hand that needs looking at," Cassion responded sharply as he crouched down to the floor to assist her. While Kyler and Zarah paced the entrance of the abandoned warehouse.

"Also, wasn't snatched by the mist. Something is unique about this one and what is she doing all the way out here alone?" The black-haired boy announced as he thought in shock that she had serviced the mist. He glanced down at the girl, who was now unconscious and being propped up and protected by Cassian's hand and to rest on his knee. Who then looked up at the pair with wide eyes.

"The bigger question is, who is this girl, and is this the being the elders have been trying to find?" The thought loomed over the trio in realisation; Zarah quickly mumbled something under her breath with panic.

"Wait, don't call the elder."

"Kyler, We need to, if she is.."

"Zarah, look at her. She is barely the same age as us. I don't know exactly what they want with her, and I don't think any of us wish ill will?" Kyler noted, looking at his friends with an Ernest stair.

"I agree?" Cassian shrugged, knowing that something was afoot and bigger than anything they had seen in a lifetime. "I can't believe she survived the mist; I have never seen a living soul withstand that much evil," Cassian murmured, as he gazed down at the petite but pretty girl resting on his lap.

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