Chaos Scraping

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Back on Earth, the three young Arcane hunters were tirelessly pursuing their next breakthrough. They had been scouring the streets of London, their minds filled with fragmented memories and a sense of something missing.

As they walked along the bustling streets, Kyler's brow furrowed in thought. "The funny thing is, I keep forgetting the girl's name?" he announced, his frustration evident.

Zarah nodded in agreement, her eyes scanning the surroundings as if searching for a lost clue. "It's strange, isn't it? I feel like there is a huge gap in my memory; it seems like someone important was there, but I can't remember who. Although I know who we all just saw here in our memory, right?"

Cassian, always the silent observer, finally spoke up. "I've been having the same feeling. It's like we're chasing shadows, trying to grasp something out of reach." He paused with clear thinking as he looked at the pair. "We need to find a warlock." He announced, clicking his fingers and pointing at the pair.

"Why would we be doing that?" Zarah shrugged with a tinge of confusion. 

"Isn't it obvious? Whoever put this on us must know binding magic. We all saw her here and knew her, and now we are away from the mist. Seconds, my second, we are losing her existence again. Zarah, do you have a contact for any warlocks?" 

"Why are you asking me?" 

"Come on, we all know you have a thing for warlocks, Z?" Zarah rolled her eyes, ran her hand through her long black hair, pulled out her phone, and gave someone a call. 

"Yep... I need you to come to London... okay, I will see you in an hour?" She put the phone down and looked at the other two. "He will be here in the hour. He said not to move from this park." The boys agreed and sat down on the bench a few meters ahead. 

The three young Arcane hunters waited in the park, their minds abuzz with anticipation and fragmented memories. As they sat on the bench, the city of London moved around them, oblivious to the intense, hidden struggle they were facing.

Kyler fidgeted nervously, glancing at Zarah. "So, who is this warlock? Someone you trust?"

Zarah shrugged. "His name is Ezra. He's helped me out a few times before. He's... unconventional, but he knows his stuff."

Cassian, leaning back on the bench, nodded thoughtfully. "Let's hope he can help us piece together what's been scrambled in our minds."

After what felt like an eternity but was only an hour, a tall figure approached them. Ezra had an air of mystery about him, with dark hipster hair and piercing hazel eyes that seemed to see through to one's soul. He carried an aura of both power and unpredictability.

"Zarah," he greeted, his voice smooth yet commanding. "It's been a while."

"Ezra, thanks for coming," Zarah replied, standing up and gesturing to her companions. "This is Kyler, my brother, and Cassian, his best friend. We need your help with something serious."

Ezra glanced at them, a knowing glint in his eyes. He took one look at them and could feel the desperation of the spell clinging to their life force. "I can sense the disturbance already. Let's find a quieter place."

The three agreed without hesitation as the Warlock used his magic. With a wave of his hand and a murmured incantation, Ezra enveloped the group in a shimmering crystal-like light. The bustling noise of the London streets faded away, replaced by the quiet, mystical ambience of Ezra's home. They found themselves in a cosy, dimly lit room filled with ancient tomes, arcane artefacts, and the scent of burning sage.

"Tell me, how can I help the three of you?" He spoke with extravagance oozing out of him as he gave a flirtatious glance in Kyles's direction. Ignoring the look, Cassian spoke up, clearly having the strongest memories retained of the situation. But just as he opened his mouth, a whisper bounced from wall to wall. "I miss you."  The voice sounded sweet and soft, with a hopeful tone. But it caused heartache for the three who stood in front of Ezra. Each is clutching their head and chest, looking around in search of relief. A moment passed as the three were back in the room.

Breathlessly, Cassian spoke, looking at Ezra. "That is what we are here about?" 

"I see, is this frequent?" 

"Nope, only when we are close to the mist that lives on earth. Or when strong energy is around." Zarah announced, steadying herself again. 


"The best bit is, we get visions, but we have no clue who the girl is. We know she is important, and we met her once, maybe?" Cassian corrected, taking a seat on the warlocks sofa. 

Ezra looked at the trio with a mix of curiosity and concern. "A voice calling out to you, visions, and a connection to the mist... This is serious," he mused, pacing the room. "The girl you hear is reaching out from another realm. This is beyond ordinary binding magic. It suggests a deep, intertwined fate."

The three huffed in complete exhaustion from the latest episode of trying to remember the girl. 

"I am sorry." Ezra announced, "But this is a memory spell; someone really doesn't want you three to remember. However, the person they are keeping away with clearly is a very strong sorcery themselves. So because of this, I am not your man." The three looked at him with withering disappointment. "You need a high warlock, but lucky for you, I know one, and he is also a few streets away and summonable." Ezra clapped his hands, and suddenly, there was another male in the room.

"Hello, Ezra. You summoned me, darling?" A very affirming male spoke beveled and with a royal look about him. Ezra smirked and looked at the three and then back at the rather dapper male, who was dressed in a modern take on Victorian attire. 

"Ignatius, so good to finally catch up with you again old friend." Ezra spoke rubbing his chin as Ignatius cut him off. 

"Who are these people, you know I am on vacation at the moment?"

"Well these are Arcane hunters," Ignatius almost cut him off again but Ezra got int the way before he could attempt. "They have a serious memory spell on them and it is being held by a very clever soccer. Yet fought off by an even stronger one and this is now not a bond I can break cleanly." Ezra huffed in frustration knowing how much he wished he could help Zarah and her friends.

"I see, and which one is having the most adverse side effects of the peeling?" 

"Cassian, he clearly had a string thread to the most powerful warlock." Ezra announced in hushed tones getting closer to Ignatius' ear. "I think this maybe linked to the prophecy our people were warned of." As Ezra announced the truth into Ignatius' ear his eye now darker with fear yet understanding. 

"Then so be it, we must be brought to this moment for a reason." He stands and walks a few tender paces. 

"What is happening?" Kyler questioned with apprehension at the change of demeanour in the pair, his hand clasping there edge of his weapon. 

"Nothing," Ignatius uttered. "I will help you, but you have to tell me the truth." Have you heard of the the glowing eye prophecy?" 

"No, should we have?" 

"Oh boy, we are in trouble here. All knowledge you have of the awakening is missing from you mind. this spell is deep." He paused with realisation. "It can be, surely,  wrapped. to your very soul?" He spoke with complexed emotion taped around his furrowed brow. 

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