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Play ' Snooze'
By ; SZA

Jungkook's eyes flickered to yours, and then to your lips, he watched how you licked your bottom lip when you were aware of the movement of his eyes. he couldn't hold himself any longer. You're so close to him. He was right there beside you. he wanted no distance between the two of you.

His visions remind him how messy and sloppy the kiss he had with you last night was, it wasn't the ideal moment he dreamt of, he wanted it to be romantic, and he wished it had more meaning to it, but unfortunately it didn't.

His thumb caresses the back of your hand more, heating all your insides. "Can I kiss you? Can we do that again, like it's our first time?" he asks softly, his breathing getting heavier the longer it takes for you to respond. You're trying to tell him to go for it, but you've frozen on your seat.

It wasn't this difficult last night. He'd come over drunk, and there was nothing but lust and desire for it in the surroundings, today however he's asking you if you want to kiss him,

even though you want him to throw himself on you and do whatever he wishes, you gulp visibly and try to answer to his question. His doe eyes look at you curiously, questionably, and when your eyes flicker around the room, he gets the sign. His thumb stops rubbing on your hand as he takes his palm away from you with a disappointed small smile. He feels slightly embarrassed. he chuckles, whispering 'That's okay' under his breath.

He tries to stand up, but you grip his wrist, stopping him from walking away. He turns back slowly and sees your palm holding his, then his eyes look over at you.

You sigh and gesture for him to sit back down, and he does. He inspects you keenly as if you want to tell him something serious. He's concerned, and you can see him looking at you, examining you. You take your hand in his and caress the back of it with your fingers. You grow closer to him, his forehead wrinkling in uncertainty at what you're up to.

You look at his hand before meeting his eyes with a smile on your face. 'gorgeous' he thinks when he sees that beautiful smile sitting on his face, yet he doesn't understand what this is about. "Kiss me."

you murmur, he stops blinking when he hears you say that, his mouth parts as his eyes look into yours for validation. He's hesitant especially since you've voiced out exactly what you wanted, he didn't mention the word 'kiss' before because he may have been a little shy but seeing how bold you are, it makes him gulp in anticipation.

When he sees the smile on your lips, he smiles too, growing forward towards you, closing the distance. Inches away, he can feel his breath hitching and the way yours gets heavier.

His nose brushes against yours as he angles your head, his hand placed on your cheek cupping it with warmth, and his lips finally press on yours. The softness of your lips and the warmth of his melt together so well. It's like fixing a puzzle and oh how perfectly it fits. There are barely any movements between you two, just settling for this moment, this lovely moment.

His lips continue to linger on yours. You don't even realize time is passing. With him, this way, it feels timeless.

He smiles when he moves his lips by a bit. The palm that was holding yours and brushing your fingers, managed to wrap themselves around your neck, bringing you closer, if that's even possible considering how tightly you're already pressed together. He parts his mouth to press them again around yours, nibbling your lower lip, bringing out a sweet moan along with a giggle.

He fucking loves the sound of it, it's everything he wants to hear, he wants it to be the first thing he hears as he opens his eyes in the morning and the last thing he wants to hear before his eyes close at night.

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