Growing Friendships

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Over the next few years, Florian and Jamal kept running into each other at different games and training camps. Which lead them to start talking more, and soon they were hanging out all the time, sharing their dreams and goals or sometimes going to matches together.They'd stay up late in hotel rooms during away games, chatting about everything from football to movies. They loved chatting since they both had very different experiences and views it made it very interesting.

One night, after a tough training session, they were chilling on the hotel balcony, looking at the stars.

"Do you ever think about life beyond football?" Jamal asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, all the time," Florian said. "I love football, but I wonder what else is out there."

"Glad I'm not the only one."

" Sometimes I think it would be nice to have a normal 9-5 job but then again I love my job but I especially love the people !"

"You know it's really nice spending time with you!"

Love beyond the game(MusialaxWirtz)Where stories live. Discover now