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Florian's point of events

When Florian came back from a hard day of training he entered the apartment to a sleeping Jamal. He quickly took off his shoes and carried him into the bed.

" You look cute when you sleep, you know that?" he quietly whispered as the fluffed through his hair." I love you Jamal. Always remember that"he said and then went into the bathroom to get bed ready.Afterwards he climbed into their bed and cuddled himself up with Jamal, who was slightly snoring ,he peacefully fell asleep.

The next morning  he woke up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

" Morning did you sleep well?"

" I didn't even notice that you came or carried me to my bed I was just so tired and happy having finally made my decision. Flo I made my decision. I am gonna stay by München."

" Really that's amazing. But are you sure that that's what you want or is it just that you're scared?"

" No I want this."

" Okay then that's great. I would have really missed you even though we definitely would have made it work."

" I know but I like Bayern München and Thomas is also going to retire soon and I am going to hate myself if I don't play with him in his last year."

" Okay that's great that your staying I wish we could celebrate sadly you and me both have training today how about tomorrow we go and do something together?"

" I'd love that now let's eat and get right into the day."

With that they both munched on their oats and drank their coffee afterwards they get ready and headed out. Try both took their own cars because they had to take opposite ways. One of them played for München and the other for Leverkusen it was like two completely separate worlds. On the outside they were friends, competitors. It had to stay like that both of them knew it. It wasn't about their personal interests it was about their love never being able to be publicly acknowledged. It haunted them and they may not have known it yet but it did .

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