Mistakes happen

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Jamal woke up on the couch. He fell asleep waiting for Flo who never came. He knew that Flo could take care of himself however he simply couldn't help but get worried for him. He loved Flo even though they weren't officially dating they were still dating simply in private. He checked his phone but there was no message from Flo whatsoever so he get ready and made himself some breakfast the longer there was no response from him the more he got pissed. Why didn't he come home yesterday? Why didn't he Atleast let him know that he wouldn't come?
He made himself some toast with eggs and burata.

Flo woke up with a paining headache and to his surprise not anywhere he knew. He slowly turned around to figure out what was next to him. It wasn't what he had hoped it was. It was a very young woman she couldn't possibly be older than 19. This was a nightmare he wasn't a cheater, he would never do something like this. Panic flew into his face. Noo this couldn't have happened he liked Jamal. His thoughts were stoped when the woman next to him woke up.

" Heyy honey how'd you sleep. You went pretty rough on me last night everything okay." She spoke to him and turned to see his face.

" Did we sleep together?" Flo asked expecting and a positive response however wishing for a negative one.

" I mean ya do you not remember?"

" Noo look I don't know who you are and I understand that I must seem like a  douche bag  to you but I am actually in a relationship with someone else and I'd really love for it to stay that way. If you could please forget what happened yesterday, I swear I would do anything."

" You're in a relationship?" She asked with a shocked expression

" Ya he's also a footballer and I really like him so please I beg you to keep all of this a secret from everyone. I don't want him to know that I cheated on him and I also really don't want the media to find out that I have a boyfriend."

" Okay I'll keep this a secret however I want something for it."

" Thank you! Whatever you want I swear I will give it too you."

" Okay as you can see I am pretty low on cash at the moment so my offer would be I keep your secret and you send me 3 thousand euros every month. I know that, that won't be a problem to you but it woudl really make my life way easier. "

" Okay you got yourself a deal! By the way what's your name again?"

" My name is Amelie. Wait I'll give you my phone number so you know where to send the money."

After exchanging all the important information Florian quickly left and called Anne.

" Anne how could you let this happen. You know very well that I am in a type of relationship."

" Flo you told me you weren't that serious so I figured what you needed was to really let yourself go for one night. Either way don't you feel way more relaxed?"

With that Florian hang up the phone and quickly called an Uber to drive him to his car he knew he had to get home.

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