8. I coudnt hate you...

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(Mia pov)
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING RODGER?" I scream at the top of my lungs not caring who heard me when I find myself slapping him across the face when I see char pass out and start falling. As I go to catch her she's gone.

I shout out to Marjorie once I catch her "MARJORIE CALL A AMBULANCE NOW! ITS CHARLOTTE" when I shout that autumn comes rushing in as she sees me pumping charlottes chest and Rodger on the floor and shouts to Marjorie "you might also want to close the nursery for today"

I was confused as to why when I see her drag Rodger up by his collar and punch him across his face so his nose was broken and he was unconscious. Just like he had done to my Charlotte.

As Marjorie comes in, on the phone to 999, asking what's gone on she sees Charlottes lifeless body and her knees give way as she falls to the floor with her sobs when autumn takes the phone of her and starts to tell the operator what's gone on.

I don't give up on her. She wouldn't give up so why should I. I stay in the same spot pumping her chest till the ambulance arrives even with autumn telling me to swap with her, I just couldn't my body wouldn't move. As the paramedics rush in they take over and I stand back as all the emotions come rushing towards me and I break down with sobs.

The next 4 hours were a daze, I didn't know what to do,how to help. I just couldn't get the thought of chars lifeless body on the floor and me pumping her chest to keep her alive, and her heart beating.

When the doctor finally comes out and asks for the family of Charlotte. me, Marjorie, autumn and Reece, who we had called on our way to the hospital, stand up and go to speak to the doctor when he says, "she is in critical condition but you got to her in enough time that we was able to save her. She is awake and asking for an Amelia Roberts if you know who that is?" I find the courage to speak up and say "that's me, im Amelia roberts." He explains that she's been asking for me to go and see her as she needs to explain to me why she did what she did.

As I walk to her room, I see her lying in that bed. All by herself, I go in and when she sees me she try's to smile and she starts to say, "Mia I am so sorry for how I treated you, he said if I didn't become him mole he would not only kill me but Ellie and Lia aswell and I couldn't risk that. I never wanted to do any of this and when I said I-i don't love you anymore that was a complete lie, I love you more then ever" when she finishes she looks at me and notices me crying, when she starts to say "I understand if you hate me now but-" god how could anyone hate her after that I think to myself when I find myself leaning into her and start to kiss her to shut her up.

"I couldn't hate you no matter how hard you tried." I say as we pull away. When her cheeky grin starts to cover her face again,I can't help but find myself smiling back at her. When I hear everyone else start to come in with a special surprise for char

A/N- I'm so sorry it took me a while to get it posted I was really struggling with what to do after they got to the hospital x

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