17-who's mimi?

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(Mias pov)
"What are you doing here Nathan?" My voice starting to rise at the sight of him. After 9 years of him living abroad this is how he came back. "Here comes trouble again then I see" Reece says loudly enough for everyone to hear him "alright lil bro I've missed you to." Nathan walks up to Reece they do there handshake from when they were kids and pull eachother in for a hug. "How longs it's been since u and mimi have been talking again?" Nathan asks Reece but this catches char's attention and she speaks up as whispers "who's mimi?" We all look over to her and she tries to hide herself away from us. I come over to her and turn her around so she can only see me.

"Baby it's okay I'm here don't worry." I whisper in her ear as I move her head to my chest so she can hear my heartbeat, as this always comforted her. "Mia?" She whispers so only I can hear her. "Yes baby you okay?" I look down at her, her head still resting on my heart. "Who's Nathan?" She barely manages to get it out her voice is that shaky. "Well char, Nathan is-" I pause and take a deep breath. Will she be mad I didn't tell her beforehand? "Nathan is my husband" she lifts her head and just freezes.

"He's your what?" She shouts as the tears push there way out, the lump in her throat trying to make its way out her throat. "Baby listen to me-" I say grabbing her hand, but she just pull away and stands up to walk away but not before turning around and shouting "we're over Amelia. I want all your shit out of my house and I don't want you to speak to me or my girls again." And with that she ran out the office and Reece chased after her. I just sat there, she really just broke up with me. I go to pull my legs to my chest and hug myself while the sobs run down my face when Nathan comes to hug me and I accept it while whispering "why wouldn't she just let me explain that you're here so we can get divorced as you was only here to get me away from Roger" he hugs my tigger while whispering back at me "I don't know sweetie I really don't" in that moment we both felt as helpless as each other.

(Char's pov)
I couldn't stand to be in that room anymore. With her. I knew Reece was following closely behind but at this point I didn't care. I shout back at him "Reece you can go and tell that whore that I'm finished. her stuff will be outside my house tomorrow lunch." With that I got in my car and drove to the bar. I didn't have a care in the world. I was driving 90mph on a 50 road, sobbing my heart out. I just lost the love of my life. She was now the loss of my life.

When I got to the bar I walk in and I'm greeted by a tall redheaded woman who looks me up and down before she asks confidently "what can I get started for you gorgeous?" I can't help but gaze at her body she was slim and taller then me. Just like Mia was. "Uh can I get a vodka red bull" I stumble out my words. As she says "my names darcy by the way gorgeous" I see Marjorie frantically looking around the bar and I shout over to her "hey marj u want a drink? It's on me" he then comes running over shouting "oh thank god char ur okay" "brev of course I'm okay. It's not like I've just lost the love of my life." By this time Darcy was walking back over with my drink I grab it off her and tell her to keep them coming.

"Charlotte since when did you say stuff like brev?" Marj asks. "Since Lia told me about it. Now do you know how pretty you look right now Marjorie" I say slurring my words. It doesn't take much for me to get drunk. I go and lean in to kiss her when I feel someone pulling me back by my shoulders. "Charlie what the fuck are you doing" I don't recognise the voice until I turn around and see Sorscha standing there behind me. "What do u want. I'm single there's a fit girl sat with me so I'm gonna try and get with her." I then push her away and she ends up on the floor but all I cared about in that moment was kissing Marjorie.

"Char your drunk I'm taking you home." Marjorie says as she pushes me away. "You can't." I shout. They both look at me confused "I'm going home with Darcy. DARCY COME HERE SWEETHEART" and with that Darcy comes over and kisses me telling them to go home and that she will sort me out. "I don't know who you think u are but give her your number by all means but she is coming home with me. She is way too drunk for this." Marjorie screams in her face and pick me up and throws me over her shoulder and starts walking out the bar "this is fun" I scream as I bounce up and down at every step she takes.

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