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Time flew like wind, and Steve was already one year old.

Everyday continued the same, with every relative telling him about what they did in their day and Steve training his aura.

Steve had been doing his small investigation to know about that new world by enhancing his ears with aura.

"Ok. What do I have until now?", he asked himself. "There are four months in this world, each one of them being a season. They are: Kaitz, being summer; Stav, being autumn; Joref,
which is winter; and Aviv, which is the equivalent of spring. Each month has 83 days, which means that each year has... 332 days.

Also, I'm in a small Village in the middle of nowhere, so I'll be safe for some time.

Thank you Naiko for doing your homework out loud!"

Then he heard his father talking to his siblings: "Get readyyyyy! This is the monthly mana bowl check!"

"Mana boul? What's that?", asked Steve in his head while keeping hearing them.

"This time you will cast a fireball. You won't have to launch it, instead, you will maintain it as a sphere as much as you can", Asyldur continued.

"Ohhhh, the mana bowl is the mana tank!", Steve realized. "They dont know what a tank is.

Wait. I must see this. How magic is".

Then he created a platform with aura below himself, making it float and moving it to the door.

After that, he created a hand to open the door he left himself in the ground and started crawling to the kitchen, where his family was.

When he arrived, he was met with a wonderful view. The wonderful thing about the view wasn't the kitchen, even if Steve hadn't seen it. Steve didn't even look to the kitchen. There it was: Magic.

Steve looked amazed to the fireballs that were between each of his siblings hands. He looked at how they were as bright as the sun.

He looked at them for a whole hour. Naiko's one was really espherical but smaller than his sister's, which was bigger but it looked more like fire than a fireball.

Gaiji's one was the one that stopped first, with Naiko stopping five minutes later. When they stopped, they looked really tired

"You have grown your mana bowls quite a lot", said his father.

Then they all got scared as they saw Steve sitting in the floor watching them.

"Shinto? When did you come here?", Gaiji asked amazed.

Steve just went back to his room without even giving a sign of response.

Then his mother came and saw him crawling to his room.

"HEY DID YOU SEE THIS!? SHINTO IS CRAWLING", she shouted excited.

"We know, but he really scared us before you arrived", Naiko said.

"Ok, come one! A baby can't scare you!", She said mocking them.

They all remained silent.


Then, out of nowhere, they all bursted into laughter.

They all enjoyed the moment while Steve's grandfather was waching from the table without saying a word.

Afterwards, Steve's mother took him to his cradle, where he laid.

"How do I get magic?", thought Steve in his cradle while he was left alone. "I have seen that everybody can use it, so it must be easy.", He followed in his thoughts.

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