Mind Goblin

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(Yeah, that's the title)

『Hey... do you hear me?』 heard Steve in his sleep. It was a calm voice, like one of a kid. For some reason it felt familiar.

「Who's there?」answered Steve starting to open his eyes. He saw nothing. It was so dark that even if he opened his eyes it felt as if they were closed.

『Oh, you finally hear me』said the familiar voice ignoring Steve's question.

『Who are you?』asked Steve moving his arms to touch a wall or the floor, but he was floating in the middle of a lake of nothingness.

『I'm someone you killed, someone who you took his privilege of living from, and someone you should be thankful to』answered the voice. When the voice said that, Steve tasted something sweet on the first two parts, then something bitter on the last one.

What does he mean by that?」thought Steve. He didn't know why but that place started feeling comfortable, as if he were inside of a pillow, but not being able to touch it.

『You don't need to know』said the voice, answering to Steve's thoughts.

「Wait, you can hear my thoughts?」said Steve questioning the familiar voice.

『I know everything about you』answered the voice.

「How!?」shouted Steve confused. He didn't know why, but he was feeling a bitter taste.

『Because I'm...』said the voice as it faded away. Light started entering Steve's eyes as he opened them, watching his friends and Celta standing up and grabbing their weapons, getting ready for battle.

He felt how his hands were grabbing his sword tightly. He wondered about what had just happened, who the voice was, and why that place felt so comfortable.

"I got hit with a 'Because I'm...'. What was he gonna say? I'm you? Or, I'm your father?", wondered Steve trying to avoid thinking about what had just happened. The bitter taste had dissapeared from his mouth and he was now standing up and undoing the pillows and blankets.

"Kid, good thing that you woke up. I thought you were back again in your sleepwalking", said Celta, the old woman, with a caring tone. Steve wondered about when did she started caring so much about him, because when they first met, she treated him very badly. She started caring for him before he told her he was Kapanelle's son.

"Don't worry, I'm fine", replied Steve stretching his body. "Are we going in?"

"It depends. Do you kids want to eat first or kill the monster and then eat it?", she asked while unsheathing her sword.

"You answered yourself", answered the three boys pointing at her unsheathed sword.

"Well, there's not much to say", she said while she made her book float, watching the thousands stripes the book had. She clenched her fist around the grip of her sword and kicked the door, breaking it in half.

"Now that I think of it, this is the first time I'll see Celta fighting", thought Steve while following everyone.

They all got inside the new room, which to their surprise, was empty. It was an enormous dome with torches laying around on the walls.

"Don't get too confident", said the old woman. "If you don't see an enemy on your surroundings, always check above". As she said that, a bunch of rocks fell from above, but due to her warning, everyone was able to dodge them.

They looked up to the ceiling and saw how a giant goblin was slowly approaching the ground with tiny stones swirling around him.

It was reaching the ground, and when that happened, Steve rushed to where the goblin was shouting that he would attack during the cutscene, but Celta screamed that he had to stop, thing that Steve didn't obey to. Steve was less than five meters away from the goblin, but he saw to the side, where a small rock was approaching his head at a high speed.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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