Dungeon life

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What seemed as weeks passed, and Steve was frustrated of doing nothing but teaching Takobu to read, eat food created by the woman, sleep, and kill goblins. He wanted to complete the dungeon to get back to his familly, but each time he tried to go forward he was stopped by the woman.

"This is the twentysixth attempt to progress the dungeon", thought Steve who was sneaking trying to go forward. He was soon stopped by the woman, who scolded him and forced him to return to the camp.

"Ugh... another fail", he murmured clenching his fist in frustration.

"Why can't we progress into the dungeon?", Steve asked to the old woman.

"Do I really have to explain this?", she complained. When she said that, she looked at Steve pleading face and said: "Ok, I will explain you after today's Takobu's lessons".

"Really?", asked Steve with glowing eyes.

"Ye, ye. Now go", she ordered making a "go" sign with her hand.

Steve went to grab the book, which was in the floor, and after that he approached Takobu and said: "Get ready for today's lessons".

Takobu stood up and followed Steve to a table made of rock that the woman created with magic.

They sat down and the lesson started.

"Takobu, so you remember what we saw in the other classes?", asked Steve hoping for an affirmative answer.

"Umm... don't get mad", said the brown eyed teen.

"Why would I get mad?", asked Steve getting impatient.

"Well... I forgot", he answered putting his head between his shoulders because of the guilt he felt.

"Ugh... Hey! Is there a memory enhancement spell?", he asked to the woman.

"Just teach him!", she responded sharply.

Steve looked at the book and started reading it to him.

"Magic is born from a mental image".

Steve still couldn't believe that that was all that was written in the book, and he couldn't accept that that only line that was written in the book couldn't get inside Takobu's head.

The only other thing that the book had were some stripes all over the book. There were at least a thousand.

"I feel pity for the trees that ended up being this book", he thought.

"Did you understand?", he asked to the brown eyed teen.

"Yes!", he answered enthusiastically.

"Well, tomorrow I will have to repeat this aga- wait... really!?", he asked amazed. He didn't have to hear Takobu's response. He just saw his glowing eyes, like he had made a breakthrough.

"Oh right!", he said remembering that the old woman would explain why they couldn't progress the dungeon.

He headed where she was and asked: "So, why can't we?"

She was laying in the ground looking to the opposite direction to the one he was in. Then she turned around and looked at Steve's determined expression. After that she sighted and said: "If we complete a path, stronger monsters from the next one will come to this part of the dungeon".

"That was all?", asked Steve disappointed. He was thinking that it was something like because her knee was hurt or something like that.

"Yes, so stop being so loud", she complained covering her ears.

While she was saying that, they saw how Takobu launched a fireball making Steve's jaw drop.

"The book was right!", exclaimed the brown eyed teen while Steve complained about how easy it was to him to start using magic. "Really? That easily?", he asked himself in his thoughts.

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