Kappanelle pt.3

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Steve calmed down and started singing the song from the beggining while the trio entered the dungeon. To Steve's amazement, there wasn't a wall in the entrance, so they entered the dungeon easily, in contrast to Steve's experience,who was trying to get into it for over an hour.

He tried to run to the opposite direction to where the party was heading to, to see if he could break the connection between him and Celta another time, but he wasn't able to. Then he frustrated followed them while wondering about when the flashback will end. He lost the count again, which made him swear anain.

To everyone's surprise, except Steve's, there were five paths. Steve remembered how he went to the first one from right to left, but he was a bit surprised that without talking, the party had decided to go to the fifth one.

"What's on the fifth one?", wondered Steve while being forced to go forward.

Hours passed and no one talked, except Steve who was singing. They were all paying attention to their surroundings. Plan had activated a fire spell so that they were allable to see.

Steve growled and said "Can I just skip this cutscene?", but to his surprise he appeared in the middle of a wide area where a giant ear was on. He saw how from the ground some giant stone creatures, which he recognized as golems, appeared. They rushed to where the trio was. They were sweating and a bit separated from each other, with Plan at the back and the other two at the front.

When the first golem got into range, Kap and Celta quickly cut his legs and torso followed by Plan launching a fire spell at the other golems that were approaching them, spell that didn't do a thing to them.

Steve didn't understand a thing. "Did I just skip!?", he said followed by everything changing again. Now they had lifted a barrier and were creating a plan of attack while the golems tried to break the barrier.

"I won't say anything not to loose more lore", Steve said and proceeded to do as he said.

"I think we need to be silent. I mean... it's literally an ear, it should hear a lot", pointed out Celta. Kappanelle agreed.

Plan was quiet, which made the other two get worried "Are you okay Plan?", they both asked.

"I think we need to retreat", he said, thinking that he said it confidently, but the other two plus Steve didn't belive that.

"What happened?", asked Celta putting her hand on Plan's cheek, but Plan answered that nothing had happened.

"Don't lie to me", she said calmly, looking at his eyes with preocupation.

"I missed a huge load of lore", thought Steve.

"It's just that...", he said and he growled before continuing. Then he followed by saying that he was worried for the baby's well-being.

"I forgot about the baby!", thought Steve surprised by his bad memory.

"I understand", said Celta. "We will leave". She still had her hand on Plan's cheek.

Kappanelle nodded in agreement and they all got ready to retreat.

"They changed their mind that easily!?", thought Steve surprised.

Then, Plan said that Celta would retreat first, followed by him and Kappanelle. The other two agreed and they unsummoned the barrier. Celta ran while some slim golems chased her. When Plan saw that, he summoned a fire spell, but then he changed it to wind, followed by him launching it and cutting the golems in half.

"I knew wind would work!", he excitedly exclaimed clenching his fist.

"Why didn't they all stick together? It would've been easier", wondered Steve while he saw how Celta, with her high speed, got into the path to the exit and stopped to wait for the other two.

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