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Welcome and Goodbye
that's the reason i'm afraid, you're the thoughts that can't be tamed


"guys today is a big day, we're gonna be traveling to arizona to see my boy ray hoop in aau." kai tells the camera, he's in his room with his suitcase ready.

"it's five am and unfortunately we have to go wake up the twins right now if we wanna leave on time. so, let's go wake them up. they're probably gonna be mad as shit, not so much ej but emren definitely."

kai makes his way to the room where the twins were sleeping, he tiptoes in trying to be quiet even though he had to get them up anyways.

kai goes to elena first, he gently shakes her. since she is a light sleeper, she wakes up almost instantly. "cmon ej time to wake up." kai whispers.

kai was always gentle when talking to elena, of course he still joked with her but he always took it easy on the girl.
elena sat up and rubbed her eyes, she got up walking to the restroom. "goodluck with emren."

kai moved on to emren, he grabbed the nearest pillow and hit him across the face with it. emren jumped up, ready to fight. kai bursts out laughing, "chill bro."

"shit I thought you were some random ass person." he shakes his head, relieved that it was just kai.

"alright yall we got the twins up, catch yall at the airport." kai says his goodbye for the moment.


"so yall, we just landed in arizona and uh, we're late." kai sighs. the twins look at the camera awkwardly. "it's okay though, we're still gonna make it." elena adds, trying to be optimistic.

"yeah we're gonna get there eventually but we're gonna have to go straight to the hotel then straight to the gym. which means we have no time to get ready." kai rubs his hands together, thinking of what to do but he couldn't come up with anything.

their car arrives, they place their suitcases in the trunk then take a seat. as they drive, kai continues talking to the camera. "so ray just texted me, he asked if we're on our way."

emren looks up from his phone. "better break the news to him." kai rubs his chin "I told him we're gonna be a little bit late but he said it's alright. we're still gonna hurry though."

the trio arrives to their hotel room, all three of them quickly start trying to look presentable. since they had been in airport fits all day.

elena threw on some cute jorts, with a rwe shirt. her shoes choice being her boston clogs. she let her out the clip to do what it wants, she had curled it that morning. emren decides to wears jorts too but he wore a different rwe shirt with some dunks.

as soon as they were ready kai starts yelling at them to go back to the car. he consistently tells the driver to drive faster, making the twins shush him due to being embarrassed.

after 30 minutes, they finally arrived to the gym. emren gets out the car first, some fans spot him from far away and they take off running towards the car.

emren gets scared and jumps back in, slamming the door behind him. "fuck to the no" he tells them.
kai and elena look at eachother before bursting out laughing. "quit being a pussy emren."

emren looks at him offended. "alright then" he gets back off the car, where fans start swarming him. kai and elena get off after, causing the fan's attention to turn to kai.

after security having to help, they get inside and start searching for ray. they go the court with the biggest crowd, which is where they see him warming up.

"RAYY!" kai yells catching him off guard. they start jumping up and down, the twins join them going to hug ray as well. the fans start yelling, not expecting kai or the siblings to be there.

"cmon yall, I need you to meet cam" ray motions them to follow him to where cam wilder is also shooting. he spotted them coming and his mood changed.

"what's up yall" he dabs up all of them. "im glad yall can make it." kai nodded his head "of course bro, we're here to support."

cam turns to the twins. "I been watching yall, we need to talk after this game." both of the siblings share a look but nonetheless they agree.

"this like family" ray tells him, putting his arms over the trio. "it's nice to meet you guys for real."

kai and ray continue talking, while emren and elena go to sit on the bench, where cam told them they can.

on the way, they see nelson in a blue blazer. he watches the two walk towards him, emren holds out his hand to dab him up which nelson returns.

elena puts her hand out to shake his, this time he smiles while taking her hand. they make eye contact "elena or ej" she introduces herself, professionally as amp taught her.

"I know. nelson" he replies. elena flashes him a smile and goes to take a seat next to her brother. "dang he didn't smile at me like that." emren pokes her stomach, "don't start." she warns him.

the game has been going on for one half already, nelson goes to sit down next to elena as emren and kai take his place in coaching for a bit.

nelson takes off his blazer and starts shaking his hair. "damn it's hot." he complains, pulling on the collar of his shirt to get air.

"EJ! how are we doing at coaching?" kai yells to her, him and emren pose expecting a good response. "needs practice" she replies. "hell nah nevermind" the boys give her a look before shrugging her off and turning back to the game.

she lightly laughs to herself. nelson had listened in, he turns to talk to her "why does everyone call you ej?" he asks, seeming like he genuinely wanted to know.

"cause of my middle name. elena jaylyn." elena replies as politely as possible, she barely met the boy so she was trying to be nice.

"ej is lowkey a fire hoop name not gonna lie" nelson tells her, she's about to respond before fans start yelling directly at them even louder.

"im telling devin!"

"oouuu nelson better back off!"

nelson immediately apologizes. "I forgot you had a boyfriend, sorry if i'm doing too much."

ej shakes her head. "no it's okay, we're just talking." she shrugs, not seeing anything wrong with it.

"yeah, you're right."

the two continue talking until the game ended. nelson knew he would be in trouble for not coaching half the game but he didn't care.

now elena, she had a good time talking to nelson. but a lot of fans had cameras out, she couldn't help but feel guilty. what was she gonna tell devin?

brain rot me wrote this, next chapter should be more thought out😭😭
but guys kai & ray aren't gonna be in alot of chapters, it was just for an intro to the story.
they will be mentioned but you guys can lmk if you wanna see more/less of them.

𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞, nelson neumannWhere stories live. Discover now