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I Know You
i'm here regardless of the pain, don't ever tell me to go away from you

elena woke up the next morning with not only a heavy heart, but also some messages in need of a reply.


hey ej n devin told me what happened and i just wanted to say that i got ur back nmw and ur always gonna be family. you've become a little sister to me, that won't ever change
i hope ur doing ok and and if you ever need anything then im here
all love ej

elena teared up reading his message, her and kiyan really did form a close bond over the past year. she wasn't only saying goodbye to devin but to his family too.

i'm doing alright, it's sad yk
im just glad it wasn't on bad terms
but thank you kiyan, i appreciate you for checking up on me and for everything that you've done
i miss you and im gonna need updates often loll

she assumed he was still asleep so she moved on to the others, which was nelson and her mom.


goodmorning mama, I left you guys some breakfast on the stove for when you wake up.
remember that you're the most strongest and beautiful girl I know
I love you, lead with love!!

elena's face broke into a smile, she can alway count on her mom's wise words to brighten her mood, despite her being a corny sometimes.

thank you mom, I love you too

only person left is nelson, which she didn't even expect any kind of text from him.

nelson neumann

goodmorning ej
if ur even awake 😭

sorryy I js woke up

elena barely made it out her bed when her phone went off again, nelson. which wasn't a surprise since he always replies fast to her.

wryd today?
wanna go to the gym?

im probably gonna deep clean my room today
emren will definitely go with you tho

alright that's fine
we have to hangout this week tho

we willl

elena didn't want to tell nelson about the breakup yet, it was fresh and she didn't feel obligated to do so. he will find out eventually

she left her phone in her room and made her way downstairs. when she arrived at the kitchen, she was met by the faces of her two brothers.

erick notices her first and immediately pulls her into a hug, something he doesn't do very often. "i'm okay erick" she pats his back awkwardly in the hug.

he pulls away with a look that can only be described as weird. "breakups don't happen everyday sister, I know you're hurting."

elena throws him a scrunched up face, him and emren burst out laughing. "headd asssss." erick continues laughing before actually patting the girl's shoulder. "deadass though, you'll be okay ej."

elena grabs her plates and takes a seat next to emren at the island. "yeah I know." her twin sends her a smile, he was happy to see her in a atleast okay mood.

the siblings weren't used to being so serious with eachother all the time, so seeing his sister in that kind of state last night was a little unfamiliar to him.

not only that, but the fact that she's been closed off all this time made him almost forget how to comfort her. it was the first time he'd seen her be vulnerable in the longest.

still, he was grateful she chose to confide in him, and he hopes that it was the first step to getting their twinship back.

"you're going to the gym right?" elena asks him while taking a bite of her mom's homemade waffles. "you're going? what the heck how do you know about that?" emren's face had confusion written all over it.

"nelson invited me? but no im staying back." she answered like it was obvious, not like she's gonna say that out of nowhere. "oh that makes sense." he replies, unbothered by the fact that elena thought he was slow for a second.

"uh huh."

"so, you and my sister?" emren asked nelson, who is on the treadmill next to him. the two had gotten bored of shooting so they took off exploring, eventually deciding to just walk on the treadmill.

nelson looks over to emren with his eyebrows furrowed. did he miss something? "I can't, she has a boyfriend." he shakes his head, still disappointed with that fact, or fact turned not true.

emren tries to hide his shocked expression when he realizes that nelson doesn't know. he's aware that it's not his place to tell neslon but he really couldn't help himself.

"dude they broke up" nelson's mouth drops open, he jumps off the treadmill. "say you're fucking lying!" he yells at emren, wearing a huge smile.

"i'm not lying!" emren laughs, this is exactly the reaction he was expecting. "bro it's my time!" nelson continues going crazy, it's finally his turn to show her.

"but you can't say anything until she tells you herself." emren points at the boy, he instructed him very clearly. nelson calmed himself down and nodded "yeah bro you're right" but he let his excitement get the best of him and he took off running around once again.

"you're whipped bro!" emren called out.

elena laid in bed after taking a long shower, her room was clean, a candle was lit, and all she desperately wanted was to feel peaceful.

devin has been on her mind all day, it's weird not getting texts from him but she was going to have to get used to it.

she felt bad about declining nelson's invitation, she still couldn't deny her feelings for him. though, at this point her feelings for nelson were being overpowered by her mourning of devin.

it's gonna take a lot to actually see what can happen with nelson.

my chapters are getting shorter and shorterr

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