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were you lying all the time? was it just a game to you?

"so are you talking to anyone?" a boy who introduced himself as carter asked, the twins were currently at a small hangout hosted by javen, a long time friend of theirs from atlanta.

since elena arrived, carter had been trying to talk to elena multiple times. she didn't mind it, he was a cool person to talk to for the day.

the two sat next to eachother on a couch while everyone else was outside, including her brother. when carter asked that specific question, she lost all her words.

her mind went straight to nelson. technically they weren't talking but they did have something going on. she confessed her feelings already which is already setting things into place, still she didn't know how to respond.

"something like that" she shrugged, nothing wrong with staying mysterious. "is he important enough to stop talking to me?" elena knew what he was trying to do, she had to play the game too.

"well we're just having a conversation right?" carter nodded smugly at her "ohh that's what this is to you?" he smirked, trying to get through to her.

"yup" elena replied, popping the p. the opening of a door was heard, a couple seconds later emren came into view. "ej kai wants to talk to you and he's not happy." the boy wore a nervous face as he handed her his phone.

when elena looked at the screen all she saw was kai's irritated expression, he instantly started pressing her. "ej why the fuck aren't you answering your phone? I called like 30 damn times and not once did you pick up so explain yourself."

ej rolled her lips inwards, it was hard not to laugh at him in that moment. "my phone is charging over there" she flipped the camera to show her phone charging on the other side of the room, she also explained to him that her phone was on dnd, like it always is.

"so then what are you doing? who are you with?" elena slowly turned the camera to show carter who awkwardly waved. emren let out a small laugh but quickly collected himself. "man give the phone back to emren" kai shook his head causing elena to laugh too.

she handed the phone back to her brother, he continued talking to kai as he walked out. before shutting the door he yelled out "kai said to answer your damn phone next time!"

ej face palmed, she apologized to carter who told her not to worry about it and that it was funny. the two continued talking for a good two hours before the time hit eleven and kai informed them he was on his way.

elena started getting ready to leave, she grabbed all her things and put her shoes on. carter pulled her in for a short hug "it was nice meeting you elena" he flashed her a smile which he returned.

but then, taking her off guard, he pulled her in for a kiss. kissing on the first day of meeting is something elena never in a million years imagined herself doing, but there she was, kissing the boy back.

finally she pulled away, leaving without any more words said. she got into kai's car already regretting her actions. she knows her and nelson aren't together, but she couldn't help but feel like she was betraying him.

emren leaned to whisper in her ear "I saw that." he shook his head disappointed, more in a joking way though.

kai drove while ray sat in the passenger seat. "so I know emren stayed loyal to his girl, good job bro." he congratulated emren who nodded very proudly. "thank you, thank you."

"but... ej who the fuck was that boy and what the fuck did yall do?" elena caught a glimpse of his face through through the rearview mirror, she had to look away to stop herself from letting out a chuckle.

"his name is carter and guys... some stuff went down." she looked around at all of them guiltily. ray turned around with his mouth dropped "you get down and dirty with a random boy?"

emren burst out laughing while elena very quickly denied it. "noo! let me tell yall what happened."

"okay go ahead" kai urged her. "so basically I went inside to charge my phone and he came in a little while later. he told me his name was carter, I was like cool I'm ej. bro said I know."

"you're famous ej, of course he fucking knows your name." kai threw her a look like it was obvious. "yeah it still caught me off guard though. so then we're literally just talking the whole time and i'm getting ready to leave right? HE GOES IN FOR A HUG AND A KISS!"

ray immediately started yelling "WHAT THE FUCK HE'S THIRSTY!" kai started slapping the steering wheel "what happened next? what happened next?!"

"nothing! literally nothing I left." all three of the boys were invested at this point "so are you gonna hit him up? yall gonna talk? or what's gonna happen?"

elena shook her head "nahh I didn't like his vibe." she shrugged as they all looked dumbfounded. "you didn't like his vibe so you cut him off?"

"yup" it wasn't a big deal to her, she really did want to focus on nelson. but she did feel guilty, she promised she wouldn't lead him on, now look at her kissing another boy. what now?

just wait till nelson finds out girl...

𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞, nelson neumannWhere stories live. Discover now