Chapter 16

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April 26th, 1997

Snape's hands held a firm grip on my thighs, the tips of his fingers were pressed roughly into my flushed skin, he slowly spread my legs apart to make room for himself in between. My body felt as if it was on fire, heat pooling in my abdomen as a slickness grew between my thighs. His hot breath trailed down along with the wet sloppy kisses he showered on my neck. His lips returned to kiss under my jaw, he was close enough to my ear to send a shiver down my spine. A delicate moan escapes my lips as his tongue rolls over the soft skin just below my ear. His groans send goosebumps to cover every inch of my skin as my clit throbs needily. I buck my hips forward to grind myself shamelessly against his erection when his hands shoot up to grasp my hips firmly to hold me still.

"Patience my darling," he said lowly into my ear causing my cunt to ache.

"Please," I begged breathlessly, "Please I need you."

I felt him smirk against my skin before his hands left my hips as he slowly began undressing me. He worked the buttons of my uniform quickly, removing the fabric off my shoulders to free my chest on display for him. I watched as his eyes lusted over me hungrily before removing my bra and casting it aside. I whined quietly as the cold dungeon air pierced my newly exposed skin.

"Merlin, you are so perfect," he stood back to take in every inch of my chest before removing my skirt followed by my panties. I glanced over at the pile of my clothing next to his desk, when I looked back at him he was pumping himself and preparing to line himself up. God, he was so big.

"Y/n?" Snape shook my shoulders and I jolted up breathlessly. I was hot and sweaty and panting as I looked around my surroundings. "Y/n are you okay? You were whining and you're sweating," he sat me up against the headboard and went to the bathroom to dampen a cloth for me before laying it across my forehead.

"Oh erm," I was mortified, "I am okay sorry, just a strange dream."

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier, you did not do anything wrong I just get tense about that topic, I do not like talking about it."

"Oh yeah, no worries," I was too flustered to care, I could not even look him in the eyes.

"Are you sure you are alright?" This time he say next to me and began to rub my back. I nodded and gave him a small smile. "Why don't you wash up, we have an Order meeting today."

"Oh? Right," I stood up quickly and did my best to fix myself, "I will just go find Valentina, I will see you later," I quickly scrambled out of his room and rushed off to my dorm.

"Valentina!" I slammed the dormitory door behind me. It was no surprise that everyone else was already out for the day, it was the first sunny day we had had in weeks.

"What's wrong," she practically flew out of her seat.

"I have to tell you something, it is very embarrassing, I am mortified but I also know you cannot judge me because well, you're dating a convicted felon," I said as I sat at the foot of her bed.

"He didn't do it," she glares.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever, listen, last night with Professor Snape-" she cut me off before I could finish.

"You did not!" She was shocked.

"No, I didn't. Now if you would shush," I waved her off, "Last night with Professor Snape we had dinner and talked and he let me in and it was so wonderful but then he got mad at me and sent me to bed, but then when I was asleep I had a dream where he was touching me and it felt so real and I guess I was moaning in my sleep because he shook me awake he was worried, and I was all sweaty," I cringed and looked to her for a reaction but she just laughed.

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