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Fee could already tell today was going to be a long one, stares from each person she walked by, people didn't think she was weird or anything. The feared her presence, in a way it was a positive. She knew now nobody was put a bad thing in her way. Instead, they looked at her as superior.

Younger grades waved and sent a cheese smile at her, trying to be as friendly as possible whereas older ages, were overly nice. Strange.

First period, her name got called on the speakers, along with Maddy, Cassie and Nate. "Can all of you make you way to the principals office." The voice bellowed through the room.

Nobody cooed the usual "oooo", they kept their heads down and focus anywhere but her. Nate was also in Fee's class, both of them rising from their chairs in sync, giving each over the look.

"Do you think we're in trouble?" Fee asked him, staying close to his side.

"Me, yes. You, I mean they're probably just concerned about who Ash was, the face tattoos and all of that shit, they probably think Ash is like some crazy psycho man." Nate shrugged, clearly panicked.

"Well look if we just say what Jason did then surely it's fine?" Fee said in reassurance.

"Well then the police gets involved, we get taken to the station, we're just going to have to make something up." Nate froze, calculating ideas in his head.

"But Nate, think logically, we can't not tell the truth because you are still going to have to be taken to the station." Fee sighed, taking his wrist pulling him into a walk.

"Don't you find it strange how like your boyfriend and his borther hated me ages ago, then like randomly we fighting and plotting shit together. Put the 2 and 2 together, it don't make sense."
Nate blurted, trying to change the conversation. He was clearly under a lot of pressure and didn't know what to do.

"Yeah, I guess. The past is the past, he definitely still hates you, but you have got easier to deal with." Fee chuckled. "However let's not discuss that now, we need to somehow get out of this. Logically, Jason can't snitch or grass anyone up, as he would then be getting himself in way more trouble than the rest of us."

Nate kissed his teeth in deep thought. "Yeah I know, but that doesn't mean he should get away with it. But think about it, we can't tell the police as then he would have been caught out and he will snitch your boyfriend up and his living."

"You're right, we can't. But hold on, there's no camera where you fought right?" Fee stopped in her tracks, also stopping Nate.

"No?" He said slowly, trying to figure out where was her head was going.

"Okay so then just say it was self defense, the teachers can only go of what they have been told. If you just say it was self defense, you will be fine they can't prove he didn't hit first, then he will have to go along with it because he won't want the real truth to get out. 4/5 people will say the same thing, he doesn't stand a chance. And the school don't know who Ash and Mackay is, probably Mackay from previous years but you can just say he assaulted him too. They can't tell you off if he hit you first." Fee smiled up at him, proud of her own intelligence.

"You are right, Fee you're so fucking smart. We need to let the others know." Nate beamed at her, ruffing her hair.

Nate and Felicity met the others outside the principals office, quickly explain the plan and the story, all of them nodding in agreement. Nate got called through first. "Nate Jacob's, come on in." The principals assistant called through the door, Nate hesitantly getting of his chair.

The others sat parched in the end of seats, too nervous to go into conversation. "You think he will be okay right?" Maddy blurted, highly paranoid and worried about Nate. "I swear to fucking god I will go psychopath on that bit-"

"He will be fine Maddy, really don't stress yourself. I promise." Fee answered, stopping Maddy's rant. Maddy let out a controlled breath, nodding.

After what felt like forever, Nate came out shooting them a wink with heavy grin across his face. A sigh of relief fell through all of them.

Next went in Maddy, then Cassie and finally Fee.

"Felicity, come in." The lady called out.

Fee walked in, her head high, replacing her look of nerves with confidence. "Hello sir." Fee sat down, back straight and beady eyes.

"Ah Felicity, you look just like your sister. I must say I had young Salia sat in my office, quite a few times." He cleared his throat, letting out a breathless chuckle. She ignored his comment, placing a forced smile on her face. "Never was an angel that one, anyways. The events that took place at the end of the day on Monday, were here to discuss that. As I am sure your friends have made you aware prior. However, I have acknowledged a good understand of the story in which the 3 boys fighting were assaulted first, according to Mr Jacob's words. Is this correct?" He asked, lowering his glasses onto his nose, flicking through paperwork. Fee swollen her saliva letting out a short nod of agreement. "Very well, as the others also said. I hear the other boy their was your boyfriend, am I mistaken?" He shuffled in his chair.

"No he's my boyfriend." Fee responded, her voice breaking to a croak.

"Okay, and why was this boy, your boyfriend, on school premises?" He asked her.

"As he came with Mackay, to uh quickly use the toilets, which is when Jason encountered them." Fee used the first idea that came to mind.

"Right, I see. Cassie said Mackay was picking her up, so I assume they just needed to use the toilet quickly." He stated, taking notes.

"Right." I tried disregarding the topic.

"And as I am sure you are already aware, Jason is now suffering with serious injuries in hospital." The principal said, almost trying to draw sympathy out the girl.

"Well then he shouldn't have hit any of them first, he put himself in this situation." Fee seethed at the man's poor attempt of playing with her emotions.

"Very well, but just to confirm, for safety reasons. Your boyfriend doesn't cause harm to you?"

"How fucking dare you suggest that, of course he doesn't. He loves me and I love him, and never would he do that!" Fee said enraged by the comment he had made.

"You have to understand, I had to ask that for purposeful reason, such as your safety Felicity. And we just want to make sure he isn't a criminal?" The principal stood up, pacing.

"A criminal, how dare you think that? Just because of a tattoo. How dare you assume somebody is a criminal based of their looks?" Fee bit her bottom lip in anger, overly defensive over her boyfriend. 

"Just doing my job, if I need to speak to you again I will call you through. You may leave."

Fee stood up from her seat, slamming the door behind her. She wanted to go home.


So, we're coming to the final few chapters now!! I still don't known whether i want Ash to die or not.
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