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Paige stood in front of her full-length mirror, scrutinizing her reflection. She had changed outfits three times already, unsure of what to wear for a fake date that was meant to look real. She finally settled on a simple black dress that hugged her athletic frame, paired with strappy heels that made her legs look even longer. Her blonde hair fell in loose waves around her shoulders, and she had applied a touch more makeup than usual.

As she grabbed her clutch and headed for the door, her phone buzzed with a text from Drew:

Drewskiii: Paige can I come spend the summer with you? Mom said I can if you say yes

Drewskiii: I wanna meet your girlfriend too

Paige felt a twinge of guilt. She hated lying to her family, but she couldn't risk the truth getting out. With a sigh, she typed back a quick "of course " ignoring the message about Camilla, and headed out.
Across town, Camilla was going through a similar routine. She had spent the better part of an hour perfecting her makeup and hair, trying to strike the right balance between effortlessly gorgeous and purposefully dressed up. She settled on a deep red wrap dress that showed just the right amount of skin, paired with designer heels that cost more than most people's rent. As she was about to leave, Angel called.
"Hey, superstar," Angel's voice came through the speaker. "Ready for your big night?" Camilla rolled her eyes, even though Angel couldn't see her. "As ready as I'll ever be for a fake date with Miss Perfect."
"Come on, Milla," Angel chided gently. "Try to keep an open mind. Who knows? You might actually have fun."
"Doubtful," Camilla muttered, but she felt a small smile tugging at her lips. Angel always knew how to lighten her mood. "But I'll try. For you."
"That's my girl," Angel laughed. "Now go in and enjoy yourself." The restaurant Sarah had chosen for their date was one of the trendiest spots in the city, known for its celebrity clientele and paparazzi-friendly outdoor seating. As Paige stepped out of her Uber, she immediately spotted a few photographers trying (and failing) to look inconspicuous across the street.
Taking a deep breath, she plastered on her best smile and walked towards the entrance. As she approached, she saw Camilla already waiting, looking stunning in her red dress. For a moment,
Paige forgot to breathe.
"Hey," Paige said softly as she reached Camilla. "You look amazing." Camilla turned, her eyes widening slightly as she took in Paige's appearance. "You clean up nice, Bueckers," she said, her tone neutral but not unkind.
Paige's heart skipped a beat, partly from nerves and partly from something she wasn't quite ready to name. In her hands, she carried an enormous bouquet of 100 red roses. She pulled them from behind her back and offered them to the girl. Camilla's eyes widened as she saw Paige with the flowers. "What's all this?" she asked, her tone a mix of surprise and suspicion.
Paige offered a shy smile. "Well, if we're going to do this, we might as well do it right," she said, loud enough for nearby paparazzi to hear. "Happy one-month anniversary, mama." For a moment, Camilla looked genuinely taken aback. Then, catching on, her face softened into a smile that almost looked real. "Paige, they're beautiful," she said, accepting the massive bouquet. Paige, seizing the moment, pulled out her phone. "Turn around," she said softly. "Let me get a picture." Camilla obliged, turning her back to Paige and holding the roses. Paige quickly snapped a photo, capturing Camilla's elegant silhouette, the roses a vibrant splash of red in the foreground.
"Perfect," Paige murmured, more to herself than to Camilla. Paige offered her arm, very aware of the cameras clicking in the distance. "Ready?" Camilla hesitated for just a moment before linking her arm with Paige's. "Let's get this over with," she murmured, but there was less bite in her words than usual. As they entered the restaurant, the maître d' immediately recognized them and led them to a prime table near the window. Perfect for being seen, Paige thought wryly. Once they were seated, an awkward silence fell over them. Paige fidgeted with her napkin, trying to think of something to say that wouldn't sound forced or fake.
"So," she finally began, "how was your day?" Camilla looked up from the menu she had been pretending to study. "Fine," she said shortly, then seemed to catch herself. With a visible effort, she softened her expression. "I mean, it was busy. Lots of meetings and a photoshoot for a new sponsorship deal." Paige nodded, genuinely interested despite herself. "That sounds intense. What's the sponsorship for?" As Camilla launched into an explanation about a new athletic wear line she was promoting, Paige found herself actually paying attention. The way Camilla's eyes lit up when she talked about the eco-friendly materials and the company's commitment to sustainability was... well, it was kind of captivating. Their waiter arrived to take their order, interrupting the flow of conversation. As they placed their orders, Paige noticed Camilla glancing nervously at the window. Following her gaze, she saw a couple of people outside trying to subtly take photos with their phones. Without thinking, Paige reached across the table and took Camilla's hand in hers. Camilla startled at the touch, her eyes snapping back to Paige's face.
"Relax," Paige said softly, her thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of Camilla's hand. "We're supposed to be on a date, remember? Try to look like you're enjoying my company." For a moment, Camilla looked like she might pull away. Then, to Paige's surprise, she let out a small laugh. "You're right," she said, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "I'm not used to this whole... public relationship thing."
"Me neither," Paige admitted with a rueful smile. "But hey, we're in this together, right? Might as well try to make the best of it."
As their food arrived, they fell into a surprisingly easy conversation. Paige found herself laughing at Camilla's dry wit, and Camilla seemed genuinely interested when Paige talked about her upcoming season and her hopes for the team. By the time dessert rolled around, both women were feeling more relaxed than they had since this whole charade began. As they shared a decadent chocolate cake, Paige found herself studying Camilla's face in the soft candlelight. She really was beautiful, Paige thought, especially when she smiled genuinely.
"What?" Camilla asked, catching Paige staring. Paige felt a blush creeping up her neck. "Nothing," she said quickly. "Just... you have a nice smile. You should use it more often." Camilla looked taken aback for a moment, then her expression softened. "Thanks," she said quietly. "You're not so bad yourself, Bueckers."
As they left the restaurant, Paige once again offered her arm to Camilla. This time, Camilla took it without hesitation. They walked slowly down the street, very aware of the eyes and cameras on them.
"We should probably do something couple-y," Camilla murmured, her lips barely moving. "For the cameras."
Paige's heart skipped a beat. "What did you have in mind?" In response, Camilla stopped walking and turned to face Paige. She reached up, gently tucking a strand of hair behind Paige's ear. The touch sent a shiver down Paige's spine.
"Is this okay?" Camilla whispered, her face inches from Paige's. Paige could only nod, her breath catching in her throat. Slowly, giving Paige plenty of time to back away, Camilla leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to Paige's lips.
The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but to Paige, it felt like an eternity. When Camilla pulled back, Paige had to resist the urge to chase her lips.
"That should give them something to talk about," Camilla said, her voice slightly husky.
Paige blinked, reality crashing back in. Right. The cameras. The fake relationship. This wasn't real.
"Yeah," she managed to say, hating how breathless she sounded. "Good thinking." They made their way to where Camilla's car was waiting, maintaining their couple facade until they were safely inside with the tinted windows shielding them from view. As soon as the door closed, Camilla let out a long breath. "Well," she said, not quite meeting Paige's eyes, "I think we pulled that off." Paige nodded, still feeling a bit dazed. "Yeah, I think we did." An awkward silence fell between them. Paige fiddled with the hem of her dress, unsure of what to say.
Finally, Camilla spoke. "Look, about the kiss..."
"It's fine," Paige interrupted quickly. "It was for show, right? No big deal."
"Right," Camilla agreed, though something in her tone sounded off. "No big deal." As the car pulled up to Paige's building, she found herself reluctant to leave. "So, I guess I'll see you... whenever the PR team decides our next date should be?" Camilla nodded. "Guess so. Goodnight, Paige."
"Goodnight, Camilla," Paige said softly, stepping out of the car. As she watched the car drive away, Paige touched her lips, still feeling the ghost of Camilla's kiss. This was supposed to be fake, just for show. So why did her heart feel like it was doing somersaults in her chest?
Back in her apartment, Paige sat on her bed, staring at her phone. The picture she had taken of Camilla with the roses was even more stunning than she had realized. Without overthinking it, she opened Instagram and posted the photo.

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