Newbie (Narry) (!)

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Harry walked into the big studio with his head down and with his hands in his pockets clenching and unclenching from time to time. He was nervous as hell this was his first time ever doing porn he thought this was the quickest way to get some money. Plus he wants to know how it feels to lose his virginity since nobody found him interesting enough to date him and take it from him. He made sure not to bump into the busy people seeing some girls wearing a towel around their chest and guys wearing towels around their waist. Harry hopes he doesn't get some old man or some a unexpected guy he wanted the real thing or else he was going to throw a damn tantrum until the sun sets.

"There you are." Zayn, the director, said as he came over to Harry who looked up at him with a nod of his head."Niall, come and meet the guy you're going to fuck!!!"

Harry turned his head to see Niall walking over eating a orange he smiled at Harry holding his hand out for him to shake. Harry shook it his eyes never leaving Niall's face he was just so pretty and looked so nice. Harry wondered how in the world did Niall end up here he looked like the type to be working at a little toy shop or plant shop. Harry was pulled out his thoughts when Niall pulled his hand away to finish eating his orange his lips shining from the juice. Harry just wanted to lick them and bite them until they were swollen and a dark red. He was glad that he got Niall he knew he was going to like this very much as Zayn led the two to a room.

"This is where the action will happen you really don't need a script Harry all you have to do is sit on the edge of the bed. Niall will pretend that he just got out the shower and Harry you couldn't help but to want him. You could scream, whimper, and groan all you want it will make the video better. Niall you can throw in some dirty words from time to time Harry since your new to this try not to look at the camera. If you can't handle anymore just give me a thumbs up and if your really feeling the mood just block us out and enjoy it. Now that all of that is set and down lets get this show on the road places every one we don't got all day." Zayn said as he went over to his chair as Niall and Harry went to their spot.

Harry was terrified right now as he drummed his fingers on his knees looking at the floor. It didn't take long for the bathroom door to open and Niall walked in the room with his fingers in his hair. Harry took a deep breath before getting up and going over to him giving him a kiss on the lips. He felt Niall's arms wrap around his waist and pull him closer pushing his tongue inside of Harry's mouth. They both moved backwards to the bed until Harry fell down on it with Niall's mouth still attached to his. Harry swore he could hear his heart in his chest right now as Niall started to take off his jeans slowly. Harry sat up and removed his shirt then tossed it to the side just as Niall finally pulled his jeans all the way off.

"I can't wait to be inside you." Niall said into Harry's ear making him gasp his heart stopping for a spilt second before beating again."Lay back for me."

Harry nodded slowly before laying back and looking up at the ceiling as Niall took off his towel letting it pool around his feet. He took off Harry's boxers and dropped them on the side of the bed before he spit into his hand. He used his saliva as lube as he started to pump his cock biting his bottom lip as he looked at Harry's tattoos. He leaned down and started to leave love bites across Harry's chest and neck hearing him moan softly. Niall lined his cock up before pushing the tip in which made Harry wince in pain closing his eyes tight. He nodded for Niall to keep going after a few minutes and he did pushing all the way in which made Harry sit up on his elbows.

Niall let out a groan putting his head in the crook of Harry's neck licking and biting the skin as he waited for Harry to adjust. Harry tapped his shoulder after a good five minutes and Niall slowly started to thrust which made Harry hiss a bit. It didn't take long before a moan had left Harry's mouth which made Niall smirk knowing he was starting to enjoy it. He grabbed Harry's hips and lifted his ass off the bed leaving his upper body on the bed as very loud whimper leaving Harry's mouth feeling Niall go deeper inside him. Harry hands went to Niall's hair tugging on it as he got more vocal with his moans his body shaking from so much pleasure.

"Right there, shit!" Harry shouted feeling Niall slam into his prostate making his stomach churn and his eyes roll to the back of his head."I want more."

"Anything for you babe." Niall said before picking up his pace gripping Harry's hips tight.

Harry really did forget about every one else as he pulled Niall into a kiss sucking on his tongue before tangling it with his. His hands trailed from Niall's arms to his back his nails digging into it as Niall bit and tugged on his bottom lip. He could feel that he was close as his legs started to shake a bit he had forgot that about his raging hard on. He went to go touch himself but Niall quickly grabbed his hand and pinned it above his head keeping eye contact with him. Harry gave him pleading eyes as he whimpered loudly his eyes grew wide and he let out a loud scream feeling Niall slam into his prostate making him ejaculate hard. His cum landing on his stomach and chest which Niall happily slurped up giving Harry a smile.

"You taste good princess." Niall said thrusting into Harry one more time before stopping and closing his eyes as he ejaculated inside of Harry both of them moaning."You were such a good boy."

"I'll always be a good boy for you." Harry said giving him a lazy smile groaning when Niall pulled out of him.

"I know you will." Niall said before kissing Harry again and claps were heard which made Harry snap back in reality as Niall pulled away from the kiss chuckling.

"That's a wrap people lets get things cleaned up and ready for tomorrow. Niall like I always say you never disappoint so keep up the good work buddy. Harry you really had me doubting you but as soon as things got heated you just let go I like that about you kid don't ever change. I think I'll have you two working together from now on you guys actually gave me a boner don't be surprised if theres a bonus in your check now go get cleaned up you two. Tomorrow your going to be doing a little candy store sex I just know your going to love it. " Zayn said ruffling their hair with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for that amazing experience, Niall." Harry said getting off the bed and picking up his clothes off the floor.

"Anytime sweetheart." Niall said kissing Harry's cheek softly before picking up his towel then wrapping it around his waist and walking off leaving a smiling Harry behind.

I had so much free time these pass 12 days I could have updated all of my stories but I just couldn't do it I don't know why. Anyone I think this was some good smut it may have been a bit wild but I somewhat like that. I don't know how porn videos usually go so I gave it my best I think it's just like a movie set I don't have a clue but I hope I was right, so bye.

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