The 1D Shots

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*Beat Comes In*

*Niall Versus*

*Turns Snapback Backwards*

Wey hey I just put out this new book today if you like when me and the boys are gay then this is the motherfucking place and the authors mostly want Narry.

*Harry Versus*



*Crash Into Niall*

*Dust Self Off*

*Grabs Crotch*

What up my name is Harry and I fucking love Narry to all Larry I'm soarry but I'm not going that way I know I seem straight but I'm actually gay.

*Liam Versus*

*Cross Arms Over Chest*

I don't know what's wrong with Harry but I do ship Narry but anyway this is the place where you can read the following Mpreg, Fluff, Supernatural, Smut and Others.

*Zayn Versus*

*Roll Eyes*

You give us your storay and I'll put it on here today but you have to inbox may this song is such a fucking lame I don't even know why I'm singing I'm quitting.

*Louis Versus*

*Throws Up Westside*

You can give me the ships name like Narry, Nouis, Zarry, Ziall, Zouis, Nashton, and Zianourry the author don't like to do Larry so don't send it ok I hope you got this because I'm so fucking confused oh hey look Niall watching Blues Clues.


If this room was burning Niall won't even notice because he been eating all night and when I ask he gives me Little White Lies, Little White Lies Zayn say he a good boy but I know that he's a girl I see him in a dress all the time with his Little White Lies, Little White Lies.

Best I ever had this chicken ain't half bad it make me wanna ssssssss one more night Harry four nipples it's crazy it's crazy I don't know what the sun made of but Lou's bum ain't big enough there's no way I can explain Harry four nipples no.


If you're so confused just read Louis, Zayn and Liam versus again and if your still confused.......

Take it away boys.

*Niall, Harry, Louis, Liam, Zayn Versus*

You eat bird poo!!


MC Nialler

Hazza Gizzle

Lou Fizzle

Zayn Wizzle

Liam Cizzle

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