Camping (Narry)

415 27 6

Dedicated: adorehaz

"Do you really need three gym bags?" Niall asked as he walked into the bedroom seeing his green eyed boyfriend zipping up the third bag."We're only camping for a week."

"You never know what could happen so I'm preparing for that." Harry said as Niall went to the first bag.

"It's not like a bear is just going to come out and try to kill us." Niall said which made Harry scoff.

"It could, you never know Niall." Harry said putting his hands on his hips.

He opened it and looked inside to see clothes which he understood as he zipped it back up. He went to the second bag and saw a few towels, silverware, tissue, soap, hairwash, plastic bowels, and toilet paper. Niall zipped up the bag then moved to the last one he gave Harry a quick glance before opening it. He shook his head at the unnecessary things in the bag he zipped the bag up and threw it in the closet. Harry gave him a pout and crossed his arms over his chest before storming out of the room. Niall grabbed his phone and the bags then followed after Harry who was waiting in the car trying to keep a sad face. Niall sat the bags in the backseat with everything else before getting in the drive seat.

Harry dramatically sighed as he looked out the window as Niall drove off. He looked over at Harry quickly who let out another sigh and hunched in his seat. Niall sat his hand on Harry's thigh giving it a light squeeze which made Harry look over at him. Harry pushed his hand away only to have it right back on his thigh which made Harry roll his eyes. He couldn't help but smile as Niall stopped at a red light and leaned over to give Harry a kiss on the lips. Harry kissed back biting Niall's top lip playfully before pulling away and nodding his head to the green light.

"Your forgiven." Harry said and Niall let out a laugh as he started to drive again.

Harry fell asleep after a few minutes into the car ride knowing it was going to take a while until he gets out to nature. After five hours of driving, Niall pulled up to the middle of nowhere turning off the car. He decided he'll let Harry get some more rest as he got out the car and went to go open the trunk. Niall set up the tent first a huge smile coming up on his face after he had made it. He was glad that Harry was sleep during that because he fell and tripped at least ten times. Niall set up the campfire next glad that it only took him two minutes to make without any falling or tripping.

Niall looked over at the car seeing Harry rubbing his eyes with a yawn. He got out the car stretched his arms over his head a laugh leaving his mouth as Niall waved at him. He was quite surprised that Niall set up the tent and campfire without his help. Niall sat down on a butterfly chair and motioned for Harry to sit in the one beside him. Niall opened the bag of marshmallows as Harry sat down and put his hands behind his head. Niall put two of the puffy treats on a fork then held it close to the fire. He pulled them away when they were a little bit brown around the edges.

He grabbed the little bag of food he had packed and grabbed the flat gram crackers, chocolate syrup, and whip cream. He made a little sandwich with it before bringing it to Harry's mouth. Harry opened his mouth and Niall sat the treat down in his mouth a smile coming up on his face as Harry started to chew with a moan. Niall ate his before grabbing two more white and puffy marshmallows repeating the whole process. The sun slowly going down and the moon coming up shining down on the couple. Harry went over to the tent and looked inside going over to the second bag he brought. He pulled out bug spray then went back outside seeing Niall stuff another marshmallow sandwich in his mouth.

"Stand up and rotate while I put this on you." Harry said shaking the can and Niall stood up with his back cracking.

"I'm glad we decided to go camping by ourselves because I can have you all to myself." Niall said wrapping his arms around Harry's waist pulling him close.

Harry gasped but it was quickly cut off by Niall kissing him with a smile on his face. Harry put one of his arms around Niall's neck as he started to kiss back. A pout coming up on Harry's face when they had to pull away for air. Niall opened his arms wide and Harry started to spray the exposed skin making sure he got everywhere. Once he was done, Niall did the exact same thing to him taking his time on purpose. Harry knew sex wasn't going to be a option tonight since they had bug spray all over them. He then thought about blowjobs and handjobs and a smile came up on his face.

"We're finally out here with mother nature." Niall said before howling loudly along with lifting his head up to the sky.

"Oh my god, don't do that ever again." Harry said as he heard a few howls from far away which made Niall smirk.

"I'm the big bad wolf and your my helpless little victim that I can't wait to devour." Niall said nipping on Harry's ear with a growl.

"I just hope that I fill your appetite Mr.Wolf." Harry said with a laugh as he threw the can of bug spray in the chair beside him.

"You'll fill up my appetite quite nicely." Niall said before wrapping Harry's legs around his waist making Harry squeal and wrap his arms around Niall's neck.

"Glad to hear." Harry said and kissed Niall as he started to walk to the tent.

Even though adorehaz didn't tell me to do a camping one I did but she did say she wanted fluff and Narry. I don't know if this is really fluff you tell me because as you see I have no idea. I don't know a lot of things with stories and that's really obvious in my authors note.

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