Bloodthirsty (Narry)

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Harry stood in the shadows as he watched a group of guys come out of a club talking and laughing loudly. He didn't know which one he wanted to go for because they all looked so refreshing. His eyes turning red as he settled on the guy in the who was getting left behind as he texted on his phone. Harry speeded over to him and covered his mouth taking him far away from his friends. Harry stopped when he came to a dock looking around to see nobody making him smirk. He looked down at the guy who thrashed around trying to get away from him. Harry gripped his arms tight before biting into the man's neck and started to suck. He closed his eyes and moaned as some of the blood ran down the coner of his mouth and onto his shirt.

"Please, I'm only 19." The guy said as he tugged on Harry's hair trying to pull him away but they only brought him closer.

Harry ignored what he was saying getting lost in the blood a growl leaving his mouth. He pulled away when the guy stopped moving Harry let him go watching him fall to the ground. He turned around to leave only to see a blonde boy looking at him with fear in his eyes. Harry licked his lips knowing that he didn't have to go far for another meal. He watched as the blonde boy ran away only to gasp when Harry speeded in front of him. Harry grabbed his shoulders and bit into his neck not getting a response from the boy. He pulled away just as the boy started to laugh loudly while holding his stomach. Harry moved away from him leaning his head to the side as confusion cross his mind.

"I love doing that to newborns." The boy said before smiling at Harry to show his long sharp fangs."I'm Niall."

"Harry." Harry said making Niall snap his fingers and point at Harry while shaking his head.

"So your the newborn I had to keep cleaning up after you really suck at feeding mate." Niall said making Harry roll his eyes."You only take a little bit then leave you don't even try to hide the bodies."

"And you can?" Harry asked making Niall nod then grab Harry's hand and speeded to a house.

A little boy and a girl were pretending to be ghosts as they walked around their mother who was walking to the kitchen. The father heading to bed after talking to his oldest son who got in bed turning off the lights. Niall brought Harry to the parts room and quickly jumped on the father's back. He bit into his neck hard draining the blood out of him making him fall to his knees trying to call out for help. Niall let the bloodlust kick in and left Harry quickly going to the oldest son bedroom kicking the door down. The boy got out of bed quickly but not having time to do anything as Niall pushed him against the wall. He bit into his neck making the boy scream out in pain scaring his mother and little brother and sister.

Harry watched from the doorway seeing a whole different side to Niall he turned to see the mother rushing up the stairs. Harry was about to attack her but Niall was already biting into her neck making her thrash and tug at the back of his shirt. Harry didn't know whether or not he should stop Niall since he didn't want him to hurt the little kids. It was to late as Niall was off again and all Harry heard was growling and screaming until the house was silent. Niall came back to Harry with a smile on his face as everyone head fell off not a single drop of blood leaving his body. Harry thought Niall looked absolutely hot covered in blood. Niall led Harry out of the house after starting a fire inside catching the attention of neighbors.

"I took every last drop of blood and I bit hard causing their heads to fall off you have to be nasty when you feed. Don't just stand in one place and feed jump on them push them against something and strave yourself so after the bloodlust kicks in you'll just be zoned out. You know your doing everything right when their screaming super high and violently trying to get away from you." Niall said licking the blood from his lips.

"Thanks for the advice but I'm good on my own." Harry said turning around to leave only to get slammed into the ground hard with Niall over him.

"I turned you so you listen to me." Niall said and Harry nodded then kissed Niall suddenly."Why did you kiss me?"

"You look hot with your face covered in blood." Harry said with a shrug then kissed Niall again who kissed him back.

Harry pulled Niall on top of him and slipped his tongue inside his mouth moaning at the taste of blood. Niall pulled away from Harry not wanting to end up having sex outside or with a hard on. He pulled Harry up who almost stumbled a bit from the strong force. Niall winked at him before pulling him to a empty road in the middle of nowhere. Harry looked around confused while scratching the back of his head. He thought that Niall was going to leave him which made him quickly turn around to face Niall. The blonde standing there looking down at the ground with his body still which freaked Harry out a bit. Niall quickly pushed him and Harry down on the ground as a car drove their way.

"This is the most fun way to feed." Niall said just as the car stopped seeing the two boys on the road.

"Hey you two alright?!" The lady asked as she walked over her hears clicking loudly against the ground.

She crouched down by Niall looking over his body carefully before looking over at Harry. Her neck was in clear sight which made Niall's mouth water then bite into her neck making her fall back and scream. Harry was about to get up and complain about Niall not sharing until he saw another woman get out the car. She rushed over pulling out her pepper spray right as she shook it Harry quickly grabbed her and bit into her neck. He decided to take Niall's advice and bit down hard letting his bloodlust turn on. In a matter of seconds the girl was limp in his arms her body completely pale and drained from blood. Niall stood up and looked down at the woman who was in the same state as her friend.

"Now that's the way to do." Niall said before pulling Harry into his arms and kissing him as the heads off the woman fell off.

I have a really old one shot but I don't know should I post it. Its kind of like Narry but mixed with Zianourry also so if you wouldn't mind please help me decide. Well I enjoyed writing this funny but weird shit and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

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