Six Flags (Narry)

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"Let's go to six flags." Harry said as he jumped on Zayn's bed waking him up."We haven't been in so long and I still didn't get on every ride."

"Fine but I'm pretty sure you got on every ride Harry." Zayn said rubbing his eyes as he got out of the bed hearing Harry scoff.

Harry was definitely sure that he hasn't been on the viper, superman, X-flight, and giant drop. He just wants to be on every ride and rub in his kids face, his future kids of course. He got off the bed with a smile on his face as Zayn was finished doing whatever he was doing in the bathroom. He dragged Zayn out the house already wanting to get to six flags so it wouldn't be hard to get in at a early time. Harry couldn't stop bouncing around in his seat as Zayn drove he wondered if any new rides was added or remodeled some. But he didn't have to worry about that because he was going to be there real soon.

Once Zayn paid to get in and parked the car Harry got out with a squeak because it felt like he hasn't been here in forever. Once they came inside Harry mouth dropped open looking around seeing people eat and taking pictures. Harry got a map even though he knew the park like the back of his hand he grabbed Zayn's hand and pulled him over to the superman. The line wasn't long at all which Harry was super glad for as he was instantly buckled into his seat. He looked over at Zayn who let out a yawn and rubbed his eyes as the ride started to take off. Harry got a quick glance at the employee who was controlling the ride seeing his nametag say Niall.

During the ride Harry couldn't stop thinking about him about his blonde hair but the roots brown. His ocean blue eyes that looked happy his creamy pale skin that looked soft and finally his smile that made Harry's stomach churn and heart flutter a bit. Harry instantly knew that he had to get to know the guy and soon as the ride was over he saw that Niall was handing a little girl a teddy bear. She smiled big at him before running off to catch up with her parents Harry quickly went over to Niall tapping him on his shoulder. Niall turned around to look at Harry with a smile on his face trying to figure out what Harry could want with him.

"Hey, can you like show me to the face painting booth?" Harry asked scratching the back of his neck.

"Well you're in luck I was heading that way since that's where I work for the rest of the day." Niall said and Harry nodded then waved at Zayn to go on without him.

Harry didn't care about rides any more he just wants to get to know Niall and maybe go on a date with him. He couldn't help that he catch crushes fast plus Niall seems a bit different from his normal crushes that consist of tattoos and a lot of partying. It didn't take long for Niall to lead Harry to the booth he tapped the stool telling Harry to sit down and he did. He watched Niall bring out the supplies and set them up before standing in front of Harry with a smile on his face. Harry put his hair in a ponytail not wanting it to get in the way as he told Niall he wanted his face to look like a tiger. Niall nodded and got to work holding Harry's chin gently sticking his tongue out in concentration and Harry thought that was the cutest thing ever.

"So is this your first time here?" Niall asked after a few minutes and Harry was about to shake his head but he then remember that Niall was painting his face.

"Third time." Harry said looking at Niall's eyes the whole time he just couldn't help it they were even beautiful up close."I don't mean to sound like a creep or anything but you have really pretty eyes."

"Cool and thanks I get that a lot but I just think their just a dull blue like everyone else who has blue eyes." Niall said with a shrug and Harry let out a laugh.

"No not at all they are way different its like your eyes can easily show what emotion your feeling and has a small speck of grey in it making it pop out when someone looks at you. Its like those eyes were made just for you and nobody and let me just say god picked the right person to give them to. Trust me your eyes are very unique I've never seen anyone else eyes like yours I should be honored to be even looking at them right now." Harry said his eyes growing wide when he realized what he had just said.

"Thanks that uh just brighten my day." Niall said with a blush and Harry blushed as well it didn't feel awkward at all more relaxing if I had to say so.

"I'm Harry by the way." Harry said holding out his hand out to shake and Niall shook it giving Harry's hand a light squeeze.

Harry was so fucking happy right now he couldn't believe this was happening right now he feels like he's about to faint. He's glad to know that he didn't freak out Niall that would have been a really embarrassing day for him. He bit his bottom lip thinking about what he should say next because he really wants to see Niall after this. He knows in his gut that they have a connection between each other he played with his fingers a blush coming up on his face when Niall locked eyes with him. Everything he said about Niall's eyes he knew it was true as he looked at them almost getting lost in them. Niall looked away clearing his throat as he switched paint colors and went back to working on Harry's face.

"Would I turn you away if I ask you to kiss me?" Harry asked and Niall bit his bottom lip to stop a gasp from leaving his mouth.

"No but you'll have to wait until your face dries." Niall said as he took a step back finished with his Harry's face.

"Hi mister can you paint a butterfly on my face?" A little girl asked as she sat in the seat Harry was in a few minutes ago.

Niall nodded at her before getting started Harry decided he was just going to stay with Niall and watch pain people's faces. He did exactly that along with getting to know Niall a little bit better having a few laughs and a few blushing moments. Harry had gotten a few phone calls from Zayn just seeing was his best friend was fine. After the grown lady was done getting a zebra painted on her face, Niall sat down in the chair his hand feeling tired. Harry knew that his face was dry by now but he didn't want to look desperate for the kiss and ask Niall to give it to him right now. He wanted to wait so he did with his hands behind his back watching Niall rub his wrists and crack his fingers.

"Now that was done lets go somewhere private for this kiss." Niall said getting out the chair and putting the paint and brushes away.

He grabbed Harry's arm and walked him over to the a little area that was between two booth where he was sure nobody was going to see. He looked at Harry's lips then at his eyes kind of asking for permission and Harry nodded before feeling Niall lips against his. Both of them closing their eyes enjoying the wonderful moment with each other. Niall lips fitted perfectly with Harry's both of them couldn't be happier at the moment they were sure that they just found their soul mate. Three minutes later they pulled away from the kiss looking into each other eyes for a good minute before smiling like idiots.

"I would love to see you again and go out on a actually date." Niall said taking out his phone as Harry did the same switching phones with each other and putting their number in.

"And I would definitely want the same." Harry said as they gave each other phones back and shared a quick kiss before spending the rest of the day getting on the rides Harry never got on bringing Zayn with them.

Fuck this was so damn sappy I hang out with nice people to much like do you see that shit its so cute I just might puke. Wow and I got the idea from when I went to six flags last Monday of course that shit didn't happen but I wish it did. Well off to the next one shot just to let you know if you already sent in a one shot you can send in another it doesn't matter I just need more one shots.

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